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1890 -- Elijah's Last Will and Testament March 6:

"I, Elijah Kilgore, of Catoosa County and State of Georgia.
Gentlemen, being through the blessing of God in a sound state of mind and memory, but calling to mind the frail tenure of life and that it is appointed to men once to die, do make and ordain this, my last will and testament, that is to say, principally and first of all my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it me, and the disposal of my body I leave to the entire discretion of my friends; with respect to my worldly estate, I give and bequeath to my loving wife Terressa all of my lands and household furniture and such money as may be in my house at the time of my death, and all of my stock and farming implements with proviso that if my son Jefferson pays my wife Terressa $150 in six years after my death, then my wife must make Jefferson's son a good and sufficient title to 80 acres lying on the east side of my home, lot #76, and further bequeath that at the death of my wife Terressa, all of the foregoing property to descend to my daughter, Ida Lee Kilgore. If Jefferson fails to pay the $150, then in that case the title is to remain in my wife Terressa [Terressa's name?]. I bequeath and appoint J.F. Whittle my sole executor of this, my last will and testament. I now ratify and confirming this and not other to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal." Elijah Kilgore (his X mark)
Book 6; page 93-94; Recorded on September 14, 1891,
Book 15; page 386; Catoosa County, Georgia
Subscribers: Wm. Conner, John J. Kilgore, W.L. Dempsey

1891-- April 28 -- Elijah Kilgore dies in the North Georgia mountains of Catoosa County where he has lived the last 37 years of his life. Elijah was living there when the Yankees took possession of Ringgold and used it for their headquarters. Somehow, his farm survived.

[NOTE: J. F. Whittle petitioned to be released from being executor of the estate. The job then went to B.F. Harris.]

1891 -- May 8 -- B.F. Harris files this petition: "Elijah left property both
real and personal and consisted of cattle, sheep, and other personal property. The farm is liable to waste as there is no one left on the farm to take care of it. Petitioner has been requested by some of the sons to administer on said estate to preserve it from waste."

Page 361 -- Petitioned to sell cattle and sheep, of which there are a lot of them.

By: B.F.Harris
Date of sale: May 20, 1891
1 Cow -- James Shuber -- $12
1 Cow -- J.D. KILGORE - $9
1 Cow -- Rich Standard -- $13.50
1 Cow -- Mr. Tibbolds -- $9.75
1 Cow -- David KILGORE -- $16.50
11 Sheep -- W.B. Murphy -- $17.50
1 Sow & Pigs -- Jesse Shields -- $4
2 Hogs -- David KILGORE -- $8
1 Wagon -- J. Shuber -- $7.25
1 Buggy -- J. Shuber -- $2.50
1 Wagon -- J. Shuber -- $.35 cents
1 Two-horse Plow -- J.C. Williams -- $3.50
1 Lot Hay -- Mr. Tibbolds -- $7.75
1 Drawing Knife -- J. Shields -- $.55 cents
1 Chain -- J. Massengill -- $.85 cents
2 Yearlings -- E.C. Massengill -- $6.50
1 Set Harness -- W. London -- $2.85
1 Saddle -- John KILGORE -- $.85 cents
1 Side Saddle -- Mr. Tibbolds -- $.30 cents
1 Lot Wool -- John London -- $3.80
1 Lot Cotton -- H. Edgman -- $.25
1 Chest -- Jeff KILGORE -- $1.50
1 Table -- H. Edgman -- $1.10
1 Stove -- David KILGORE -- $1.75
1 Lot Dishes -- Mr. Tibbolds -- $.75 cents
Bucket & Glasses -- Mr. Tibbolds -- $.85 cents
Fruit Jars -- H.B. Murphy -- $.45 cents
1 Bucket -- H. Edgman -- $1.20
1 Lot Jars -- Mr. STOKES -- $1.00
1 Set Chairs -- John London -- $2.00
1 Bedstead -- Dick STOKES -- $2.00
1 Clock -- Jeff KILGORE -- $1.50
For a total of -- $141.65


1 Cow & Calf & Old Mule -- J.D. KILGORE -- $10.20
1 Lot Hay -- Wm. Tibbolds -- $18.70
1 Cow -- Robert Ware -- $7.75
1 Mowing Machine & Rake -- L.H. Buchanon -- $37.50
For a total of -- $74.15


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