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Test Values of Intrinsic Functions

Zero-Arg Functions



Constant (.75 -.75 .75)


One-Arg Functions

Absolute Value (abs -1 -1 -1)

ArcTan (atan x)

Clipping (clip (add x x))

Cosine (cos x)

Logarithm (log y)

Exponential (exp y)

Negate (negate x)

Round Down (rounddown x)

Round Up (roundup x)

Sine (sin x)

Wrapping (wrap (add x x))


Two-Arg Functions

Addition (add x y)

Subtraction (sub x 0.5 0.5 0.5)

Division (div .5 .5 .5 y)

Multiplication (mul x y)

Perlin Noise (BW) (perlinnoisebw blah blah)  <-- args are big functions and both are same args as below

Perline Noise (Color) (perlin blah blah) <-- args are big functions and both are same args as below


Three-Arg Functions

Color Conditional (colorcond .5 -1 -1 -1 .5 -1 -1 -1 .5) <-- result = (.5 .5 .5)