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Everything you could possibly want to know ABOUT MATTY:

Age: 21, veinte y uno, (10 * 2)+1, 42 / 2, the square root of 441. . . I think you get the point

Sex: so male it hurts sometimes

Height: a towering 5'9"

Hair: quite a bit of it . . . and it's doo doo brown

Does anyone read this: Nope

Hobbies: surfing, firefighting, reading, supplying small third world countries with illicit drugs and incredibly powerful firearms, basketweaving, anything that has to do with Nine Inch Nails, looking for the real killer, stunt driving, elevator repair, rat racing, espionage, spontaneous combustion, cooking flaming desserts, eating things that will give me gas, raising attack ferrets, turning scud missle casings into affordable mobile homes, jumping up and down, hitting myself over the head with hard stuff, and above all else anything that pisses a great deal of people off because they are not being rational and are adhering to traditional ideals. (Sorry I got a little serious there at the end. I've taken my Prozac now and I assure you it won't happen again.)

General nonsense about Matty: There's not much to say really.  I go to a small, private liberal arts college in a small town in Ohio called Granville.  There are a lot of friggin cows here actually. I am currently a Psychology major, much to my chagrin, but I've got one class left to take and I'll be done with my major. I love the subject matter of psychology, but I study the material and go to classes, but exams just kill me. But I digress, I also work for a small, on campus publication called The Bullsheet and I'm having a lot of fun doing that. It's a paper that comes out on campus every day that the students contribute letters to. It's basically a forum for community dialogue with some sarcastic news and commentaries occasionally. It provides an outlet for the repressed *matty* editors to vent some frustration onto. We have fun doing it though . . . I guess that's all that matters. I've got some super old ones up for download sometime, but you'll have to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view them.

Music: For those of you who know me, I am a music freak. I can't seem to keep the money in my pocket I'm so addicted to it. It's worse than heroin and there are no anonymous groups I can go to to seek help. I'm into just about everything really. I love hard, industrial type stuff. It's my main thing right now. . . who knows though, it may change in a matter of weeks. The bands I listen to are mainly Nine Inch Nails *bow* *bow*, Aphex Twin, Crystal Method, Marilyn Manson *gasp* (although I think his newest stuff sucks a wang), Meat Beat Manifesto, Ministry, and various other obscure techno type stuff that most people don't consider to be in any type of music category. My parents hate it, so naturally I find enjoyment in it.

I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't mention something about my heavy metal roots as well. I was really into metal oh so many years ago, but that's kind of dissipated for one reason or another. I still really like to jump around to Korn or Rage Against the Machine and I've been known to touch my inner redneck with some AC/DC or Metallica. . . but not often anymore. I think that was my, "Let's beat the crap out of a chair but not really, instead we'll listen to something really heavy and mindless" stage. I still like that stuff though.

Another form of music that I've recently become incredibly fond of is ska. My friend Mike introduced me to it for the most part. It's kind of a mix of reggae and rock, but it's definitely got a style all its own. The coolest thing about ska music is that they cover a lot of songs that are familiar, but with a ska flare to them. If you start listening to the stuff, then every song you hear on the radio will be, "I wonder what this would sound like as a ska cover." The ska bands I listen to are The Toasters, Bim Skala Bim, Reel Big Fish (ska sort of I guess), Mephiskapheles and other funky type stuff like The Meters or the Superfly soundtrack. . . not really ska, but funky like it.

I've also gotten into blues music somewhat this year after reading a short story about Robert Johnson called Stones in My Passway, Hellhound on My Trail by T. Coraghessan Boyle for my Creative Writing class. Robert Johnson was a blues musician in the early part of this century and the story of his life is pretty amazing. Apparently he was quite the womanizer and died onstage in the middle of a performance, never to be famous during his lifetime. Allegedly, a jealous woman poisoned his drink. His songs are amazing and his voice is kind of haunting. After reading the story, I decided I had to check him out. I don't have many blues cd's at the time, but the one's I've got I love and I recommend them to anyone because it's really hard to hate blues music I think. The cd's I've got so far are Robert Johnson, B.B. King, Eric Clapton, and the Jimi Hendrix blues cd. . . by far my favorite.

Rap music has also grown on me since my days in high school. There's still a lot of it that I can't really stomach and Puff Daddy makes me want to take a "gat" and "pop a cap" in the entire music industry. I really LOVE the Wu-Tang Clan though. Ol' Dirty Bastard and The Method Man have the two best cd's from their group in my opinion. I have been known to listen to 2-pac and the B.I.G. one sometimes, but only if it's the first B.I.G. cd. . . the second one kind of sucks.

I suppose I'd make a page dedicated to all the music that I love if there weren't so many of them. Considering that this page is already a flaccid attempt at world wide web presence, I figured I'd just leave the hard work to those more dedicated. If you want to find pages about any of the music I've talked about, I suggest you just slap the name of whatever group it is you're interested in on a search engine and a cornucopia of pages will show up. I'll just sit here and admire from afar.

There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place. . .