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undefined Welcome to my Incredibly Useless Homepage Welcome to My Incredibly Useless Webpage... it sucks, trust me

Welcome: To Your Brain on Matty!

The webpage formerly known as "Welcome: To my Increidibly Useless Webpage"... it will be represented by a symbol to be announced. featuring Uncle Randy and the Accordion of Luv

The sound file takes a while to load because it's kinda big. The text should load fairly quickly though if you don't feel like waiting for it.

Ahhh.... if you're reading this, then you have managed to stumble on the stubborn, opinionated and at times obnoxious world of Matty. Some fear him, many hate him, but all would agree that he looks like a tool with a shaved head.

Now I have to put up a disclaimer. This page is here for mainly self serving reasons. It really just provides me with some sort of verbal release. I suppose I could just write things and keep them private but the way I see it, the internet is full of so many worthless attempts at webpages, I deserve the webspace I have been alotted. I don't see my opinions as being based in ignorance, but perhaps they are a bit clouded by anger or misunderstanding at times. So, if you are easily offended or cheap jibes about sorority girls gets your panties in a wad... perhaps you should leave. It isn't my intention to force opinions on people or misrepresent reality as you see it, but merely to point out things I observe on a semi-daily basis. I'd put a link to a child safe page in here, but frankly, I know of none. However, if you've got an open mind and something I said still bugs you, then send me an e-mail... don't worry, I can take criticism like a champ. I eat it for breakfast in fact. There's nothing I love more than intelligent conversation so please, fire away.

Wow... I'm an idiot. It's been slightly over three... count them... three years since I updated this absolutely pathetic excursion into webpagemanship (is that even a word?). Frankly, I'm astounded the peeps at Angelfire haven't completely obliterated it from their server. I guess the big news the last time I blew my top on here was that we were attacking Kosovo. The world seems to have changed a little bit. Granted, we're still blowing up small pockets of little brown people in various areas of the globe, but the actual blowing up seems to have become lots more sinister and dark. God Bless America, right? Anyway, I'll try and update this page again sometime in the next decade or so. I can only hope that the next time I do, the incredibly awesome trend of hip hugging, low riding jeans on the young women of this country has not faded away into obscurity. May female belly buttons be on display forever! p>


Matt's stuff... i.e. things that might offend you... Check out the not-quite-so-new-anymore stuff in the music section... because I said so dammit.

I was wrong. I desperately need a webpage counter to placate my ego. OoO La-La! Look at it go!


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