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Deez Linkz : The page no one looks at


w w w . n i n . n e t - THE place if you want some NINformation

Seems Like Salvation - NIN News

The Aphex Twin - Links to some really cool Aphex stuff

Trent Reznor's Personal Web Page - no... not really, but it's funny

Nine Inch Nails: Internet Yellow Pages

Happiness in Slavery - Australia's first NIN page... I dunno if it really is, but it's a decent page

The Three Ton Gate Website - Scott Mitchell Putesky's band (aka Daisy Berkowitz from Marilyn Manson fame)

Johnny Socko, The Official Website - a cool ska band

Southland CD: This store can get you just about ANY tape, cd or record you're looking for.

MGE - Music Division - haven't ordered anything from them, but they've got a decent selection

Esprit International Limited - Specialists in rare and collectable records and CD's


Rhubarb T-shirts: We Smoke Crack on a Daily Basis with Satan in Our Kitchen

Welcome to Voyeur - you can see all the naughty things people type on search engines

Spicoli's Liquor Store, purveyor of fine malt liquors - a must see if you've ever had a fotee

Meaningless Drivel Home Game - perhaps the most pessimistic page on the net... I love the guy

Suckin' Satan's *ahem* - An excellent Bill Hicks page... if you don't know who he is, then check it out

The Door - A religious satire magazine; where Comedy Central's Daily Show gets the Godstuff segments See Jesus Party Like It's 1999


Official #alabama Photo Album - an IRC group on Galaxynet I sometimes hang out with

Welcome to Real Audio - just plain streaming media fun

Absolutely Amazing Blumberg Cam - some woman with a camera in her office... it's fun for like 10 minutes at least

The Frick Cam! - some guys in a dorm room with a camera... there's 10 minutes more.

Dinner and a - movies, movies, movies

First Auction - they once had Trent Reznor's broken keyboard for sale, so I've had it bookmarked ever since... kind of neat '

The Weslovian Gazette - a must see if you're into writing anything whatsoever. . . excellent stuff here.

sorry that you've just wasted half an hour looking at my links... there's an entire half hour of your life that you will never have back. MUUUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
