American Institute of Philanthropy
Nonprofit charity watchdog organization that helps donors make informed giving decisions."Best In Atlanta" Charities, Nonprofits, Volunteer Organizations
By far the most comprehensive guide to Atlanta charities, nonprofits and volunteering opportunities. An excellent resource.Better Business Bureau Philanthropic Advisory Service
Primary purpose is to educate donors. While the BBB never recommends one charity over another, it offers valuable information about specific charities to help donors make their own giving decisions.Guidestar: The Donor's Guide to Charities and Nonprofit Organizations
How to be a philanthropist. Find information on the activities and finances of more than 650,000 nonprofit organizations. How to give even if you don't have cash and how to take tax deductions for those donations.Idealist Nonprofit Website Directory
Comprehensive directory of nonprofit and volunteering resources on the Web.ImpactOnline
Dedicated to helping people get involved in their community. Free online matching service for volunteers and nonprofits.InterAction: American Council for Voluntary International Action
If you would like to send money after a crisis breaks but don't know which groups are assisting, this coalition of relief charities posts periodic front-line reports.Internet NonProfit Center
Information for and about nonprofit organizations.National Charities Information Bureau
This watchdog group gives donors accurate information about the charitable organizations that seek their support. Learn whether a group meets their rigorous standards. Promoting informed giving since 1918.The NonProfit Times
Find more on the 100 largest charities and keep abreast of the latest nonprofit
The first search engine serving the Nonprofit and Philanthropic sector. Your gateway to the world of philanthropy, charity, and nonprofits.SERVEnet
Find volunteer opportunities in your community. Search for opportunities based on your interests, skills, and availability.VolunteerMatch
Serve a worthy cause. Search database of volunteer opportunitites by zip code, category or date.Yahoo! Philanthropy and Volunteerism
Full coverage of all the latest news from the world of giving.
"The greatest among you will be the one who serves the rest." -St. Matthew 23:11