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A Letter From A Satisfied Customer!


Forwarded Message:
Subj: Menthol Kings International Players Society - Legal Action Forthcoming
Date: 10/11/98 6:16:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: BBWAngel31
To: JonnyMotel
CC: BBWAngel31

To Whom It May Concern:

I am e-mailing to let you know that your organization will be contacted shortly by my lawyer. I am bringing a civil suit for damages incurred and am discussing possible legal action with state and federal authorities.

I will describe the issues on which my legal actions will touch as I am sure that the members of your organization are so frequently involved in such debauchery and at such a high level of intoxication that they most likely have difficulty distinguishing between incidents and remembering more than vague impressions of entire weeks at time.

I was a Menthol Kings fan and so naturally checked out the web site,, where I discovered the Menthol Kings International Players Society. Much to my delight, for a minimal fee, I could spend an entire evening with my then favorite King, King Rex. What was it that led me to such a misinformed decision? Possibly those smoky eyes. Having never really spoken with him, I was unsure if he was actually capable of speech, but I was willing to take a risk.

Wanting something slightly more than the Basic Package and unable to afford the Roadtrip Package, I signed up for Package One: "Meet The Folks" ------Weekday evening (6pm-9pm). I submitted a cashier's check for $71.99, and prepared for the night of my life.

When I picked up King Rex at 5:30, he was noticeably intoxicated. As I half carried him to my car, I was more than slightly concerned about my upholstery, but he seems to hold large quantities of liquor very well. His speech was not at all slurred. Primarily because he said nothing. We arrived at my parents' house and I helped him out of the car. Unfortunately my heel caught in a sewer grate and I lost my grip on him. He seemed unaffected by the fall to the curb and the resulting gash over his left eye, motioning me away as I tried to staunch the gush with a wad of kleenex, which remained stuck to his head for the rest of the evening.

I thought perhaps the worst was over and that he was starting to sober up. So I brought him inside to meet the folks. I felt that as long as I could prevent his further imbibing that evening, things might proceed nicely. He smiled politely to my parents when introduced, but still said nothing.

I was waiting for the promised "anictodes, observations, discussions of politics, and humorous company". The misspelling of "anecdote" should have been a warning signal. All that emanated from King Rex was some of what must have been alluded to on the web page as "the exciting chemsitry he emits while performing". Quite malodorous and unpleasant. I wonder how the entire first three rows don't pass out during performances.

When my parents offered us drinks, I politely declined for him. He seemed unconcerned, and grunted and motioned, rather obscenely I might add, that he needed to relieve himself. As I was confused by his antics, I failed to respond quickly enough and he unzipped and began to relieve himself on the coffee table. My mother, thinking very quickly, grabbed a nearby plant and intercepted the stream.

Making apologies to my parents, I dragged King Rex to the bathroom to clean up. During the dragging, he managed to pull out a hip flask that he had concealed and swig almost the entire contents, spilling copiously on himself and on the rug before I noticed. I grabbed the flask and poured the rest down the sink as he watched indifferently. Little did I know that he had a second flask hidden for emergencies. While I cleaned the front of my dress, he managed to swig approximately half the contents of that one as well. I grabbed it away from him and threw it to the floor in disgust.

As I dragged him back to the living room, planning to make excuses for him of extreme mental stress brought on by wild success in the cutthroat recording industry and then head straight for the door, he began to dig in his pockets. I failed to notice that he was extracting a cigarette and a lighter. In spite of his extreme inebriation his motor coordination was still enough under his control so that he managed to make one of the most foolhardy moves of his entire life and proceeded to flick that bic.

The resulting explosion, due to the trapped methane he had emitted in the living room earlier, blew out the windows in the front of the house and ignited the large amounts of alcohol he had previously spilled on the carpet as well as the alcohol he had spilled on his shirt. I dropped to the floor with him and rolled to extinguish the flames. Miraculously my parents were unharmed and managed to open the front door and run out as Rex and I followed.

The fire department and paramedics arrived, but too late to save the house. As I huddled with my parents watching the blaze, Rex stumbled to the back seat of my car and passed out.

We all returned to my house, my parents included since they now no longer had a home of their own. I let them sleep in my bedroom, I took the couch, and I left King Wrecks in the back seat.

The next morning, my mother's screams wrenched me from my sleep. Apparently Wrecks had awoken with the morning light, assumed everything had gone fairly well the night before in spite of his waking up in the back seat of my car alone with third degree burns across much of his chest, come in to my house, and come across the joints I had prepared the prior day in anticipation of the pampering session at my house which was supposed to have occurred after meeting my parents. He smoked most of one joint and staggered into my bedroom buck naked with his A.M. woody looking for the "early morning action". Enraged, I tackled him and threw my bathrobe around him and then threw him out of my house, marveling all the while at the virility of a man whose member can still stand at attention even after all the mind altering substances he had ingested in the previous 24 hours.

When I returned, my mother was sobbing into my father's arms, shaking in terror and whimpering, "It was so huge..., just enormous..., nothing like yours, George --- and ..., and..., and he was coming right at me with it...". My poor father looked none too happy either. They are currently undergoing extensive individual therapy.

Additionally, since the insurance company refuses to pay to rebuild the house because the fire department is ruling the fire arson due to the molotov cocktail nature of its inception, my parents are still with me. That is, at least until their trial for insurance fraud commences. Imagine the stress of living with two individuals whose lives you have been indirectly responsible for ruining. My emotional well being is currently questionable as well.

So I'm sure you can see how this was NOT "an evening they will be discussing at the country club, at the weekly card games, and at Sunday dinners for months to come". My parents can no longer afford the country club dues, the tremor my mother has developed does not allow her to hold anything, much less cards, and my parents are not speaking to each other or me at dinner or any other time.

I plan to include in my legal action a stipulation that this e-mail be posted on your web site to warn other young innocents of what can happen at the hands of such dissipated, dissolute, corrupt, polluted, perverted and immoral individuals as the Menthol Kings.

I hope you burn in hell.

A Royally Pissed-off Prior Fan