Update 19/06/00 =============== =========================================================== |Disclaimer I need to put in to avoid getting into trouble| =========================================================== This document contains views which are mine and mine alone. There is an intended audience for this file, if you are not part of this targeted audience, get lost, I really dont care what your opinion is. If you are part of the targeted audience and find this offensive, I still don't care what you think. These personal views of mine are protected by law, and so, since I'm not illegaly acting out these views of illegaly forcing them onto other people, you can all leave me alone. I have not mentioned my school by name, so any misappropriational actions taken by the school for "Dirtying their name" will be recorded and sent, along with this (both a hard copy and a copy of this file in .txt format) to the media (which ought to get public education more of a spotlight). In SIMPLE TERMS......... I CAN, IN _NO_ WAY,GET INTO ANY TROUBLE, LEGAL OR OTHERWISE DUE TO THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. By reading this document you have agreed to the following terms 1. I have read and understood the disclaimer 2. I understand that any attempt to incriminate the authour for writing this document is a conscious act against the authours freedom of speech. 3. I am fully aware that the authour is breaking no laws in the writing of this document 4. I understand that the authour is in no way slandering his school (as the school is unnamed throughout the document) Rules by which to live at school (for those people who are sick of everyone else) ================================ 1.Don't smile 2.Don't laugh 3.Avoid eye contact with all other pupils 4.Never speak unless absolutely vital 5.Spend all free time alone 6.When walking always keep head lowered 7.Never show any signs of being interested in what fellow students care about 8. Avoid being caught up in any social intrigue 9. Remain as quiet as possible in class at all times 10. Never ring or visit any one from school under any circumstances 11.Never participate in class "jokes" or attempt to find solace in the humour taken by fellow students, it's usually directed at you anyway. 12. Try to remain as still as possible during all classes 13.Become as introverted as possible, let no-one know what you think or "feel¤" about anything, they dont care anyway. 14.You aren't interested in music, socialising or any shit like that, avoid conversations which may encompass these topics. 15. Dress badly if you think you may meet people from school in other areas besides school. 16. Always keep your eyes half lidded, if anyone asks you about this tell them to fuck off ² 17.If people piss you off about agreeing with me say that you don't and that you've been "going through some rough times" or have been "feeling kind of down" people eat that shit up in high school, morons. ¤"Feelings" are the hallmark of all human weakness, ignore them, do only what benefits you and you alone. Helping others is complete crap, theyd kick you if you were down, so make sure they never get the chance ² Answer all attempts at humour in the form of rhetorics this way (ie "hey man, are you sure you're ugly enough??"³, is repsonded to with "fuck you") Other midly coherent sentences that slide vaguely towards humour should be given the appropriate comeback, or you can just walk away, it doesnt matter what these people think of you and in my case thier opinions already pretty damn low. ³This is an exapmle of "humourous" high school banter (at least at the school I go to, which is supposed to be selective, if this is from "intelligent" students........ Well, need I further exaggerate the point??) -------------------------------------End File---------------------------------------- =========================================================== |Disclaimer I need to put in to avoid getting into trouble| =========================================================== This document contains views which are mine and mine alone. There is an intended audience for this file, if you are not part of this targeted audience, get lost, I really dont care what your opinion is. If you are part of the targeted audience and find this offensive, I still don't care what you think. These personal views of mine are protected by law, and so, since I'm not illegaly acting out these views of illegaly forcing them onto other people, you can all leave me alone. I have not mentioned my school by name, so any misappropriational actions taken by the school for "Dirtying their name" will be recorded and sent, along with this (both a hard copy and a copy of this file in .txt format) to the media (which ought to get public education more of a spotlight). In SIMPLE TERMS......... I CAN, IN _NO_ WAY,GET INTO ANY TROUBLE, LEGAL OR OTHERWISE DUE TO THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. By reading this document you have agreed to the following terms 1. I have read and understood the disclaimer 2. I understand that any attempt to incriminate the authour for writing this document is a conscious act against the authours freedom of speech. 3. I am fully aware that the authour is breaking no laws in the writing of this document 4. I understand that the authour is in no way slandering his school (as the school is unnamed throughout the document)