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Glacial Features and Landforms
Till -unsorted and unstratified sediment that is deposited by the glacier, usually an assortment of rock types, crushed and broken and therefore angular.
Outwash -glacial sediment that has experienced stream erosion and is therefore more stratified and mature.
Lateral Moraine -a ridge of till that formed along the side of a glacier, and now extends along the side of a valley.
End Moraine -a ridge of till that formed at the tip of a glacier's furthest extent. Remnants of an end moraine (or terminal moraine) cut accross valleys.
Ground Moraine -till that is deposited as a glacier regresses. A ground moraine can be identified by fields of multiple sized boulders.

Terrace -a flat, stream-deposited platform that gently dips.
Pediment -a flat, stream-eroded platform that gently dips. The tops of pediments are usually covered by coarse gravels providing a protective layer on top (like desert pavement).

Outwash Plain -the plain in front of a glacier that is built by meltwater streams, and is gently sloping.

Educational and Institutional Links

  • Discovery Channel : Ice Never Sleeps discovery channel's reports on different stories concerning icebergs... present one is mans attempt to bust up some of the large icebergs so tha t ships can get through safely...great pics.
  • Glaciers explores Antarctica, and features live reports from the ice.
  • Worthington Glacier Project An investigation of the dynamics of glacier motion using Worthington Glacier, Alaska as a field laboratory. Funded by the National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs.
  • World Data Center-A provide data and meta-data related to the geophysical and environmental sciences. Activities in the areas of solid earth geophysics, solar-terrestrial physics, marine geology and geophysics, paleoclimatology, and glaciology.
  • University of Wales Centre for Glaciology research focus on glaciology and glacial geology.
  • University of Idaho - Glaciological & Arctic Sciences Institute summer program and expedition training in Arctic and Mountain Earth System Science on the Juneau Icefield.
  • Glaciotectonic Bibliography The activities of this work group focus on investigations of modern and ancient glaciated environments '95). utilizing techniques of geographic information systems (GIS). Data may be derived from traditional methods of field mapping, from various types of aerial and space remote sensing, as well as from existing maps and data bases. GAGE commenced its official activity at the INQUA Congress in Berlin, Germany.
  • Glacier Dynamics Group - Ohio State University Byrd Polar Research Center conducts glaciological research on the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets and other glaciers.

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