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The Weather Century 1925 Tri-State Tornado

The deadliest tornado outbreak in U.S. History occured on March 18, 1925. Seven tornados were spawned by the storm system that spread distruction from Alabama to Indiana. In all 740 people were killed in this outbreak. But there's one storm that named the outbreak, a mega tornado that crossed 3 states. Thus the name for the Tri-State Tornado outbreak. The tornado originated in Ellington, Missouri then crossed into southern Illinois where it killed 540 people and injured well over 1400. In Murphysboro 234 were killed, in West Frankfort 127 died. The tornado stayed on the ground 219 miles as it finally ended its mass of destruction in southern Indiana in the town of Petersburg. All totaled 695 people died and over 2,000 injuries. Annapolis, MO; Gorham and Parish, IL; and Griffin, IN were among the towns in which nothing was left standing. The tornado was definietly an F5 on the tornado scale with its incredible trail of damage and distruction. Truly an unforgettable late winter day for folks in the Ohio Valley in 1925. For MRS Weather, I'm Marcus Smith.
MRS Weather
The Weather Century