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Marcus Smith
Operator Of Degreed Meteorologists In The Media, MRS Weather, Forecaster For inside weather

Marcus Smith, one of the young and up incoming bright stars in meteorology, runs two websites, MRS Weather(, Real Meteorologists In The Media ( and MRS Productions (, forecasts on inside weather: asheville, inside weather: atlanta and on the UNC-Asheville Weatherline on Friday afternoons.

Smith currently attends the University Of North Carolina at Asheville and is a junior majoring in atmospheric sciences with a concentration in weather forecasting. He graduated from South Cobb High School in June of 1999 with honors. While in high school, Smith held a 3.8 GPA and was involved in the Academic Bowl Team, Beta Club and National Honor Society. You could also find him on the list of Who's Who Among American High School Students. He was quite active in sports as well playing soccer and tennis. Even before high school, Smith established himself as a force to be reckoned with, as he became the youngest winner at his middle school to win the geography bee, him doing that in the 6th grade.

In college, Smith hasn't missed a beat. Currently, he has made epic progress in meteorology classes that have dealt or are dealing with weather analysis, thermodynamics, tropical meteorology, mesoscale meteorology, dynamic meteorology, physical meteorology, and general meteorology. He is on track for graduation in May of 2003. He is the Friday afternoon voice on the UNCA Weatherline, a phone line forecast.

He also runs his websites on a daily basis and is an active forecaster. Smith has been forecasting online since December 1, 1998. Since that time, Smith has covered the devastating tornado outbreak outside of Atlanta in April 1998, the remnants of Hurricane Floyd in 1999 in North Carolina, a crippling January ice storm in 2000, one of the heaviest snowfalls in recent memory in western North Carolina March 2001, and the heaviest snowfall in Atlanta since Superstorm ’93 in early January of 2002. What got him interested in meteorology as a career was going through the storm of the century, Superstorm '93 in March 1993 where in Atlanta, he picked up 10 inches of snow the most he's ever seen. His interest was firmly entrenched when he went through Hurricane Opal in 1995. What was strange about that storm was that it was still a hurricane as it passed just to the west of Atlanta! Normally storms like that weaken but Opal was one of those exceptions. Listening to the storm reports from The Weather Channel radio network led him to want to do that. He wants to be a forecaster that not just looks good but more importantly can convey life-threatening information if need be and provide accurate forecasts. Smith is a member of the Asheville Chapter of the American Meteorological Society.

Email him: mooktheoriginal@yahoo.comMRS Weather