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I picked this season first because it is associated with LIFE; a NEW BEGINNING.

This season of my personality will find me Easy-Going, Colorful, Caring, Affectionate, Sweet, Confident, Fun-Loving, Witty, Playful, Easy to talk to; Frolicing...

I love spending time with friends, showing in deed how special they are. I enjoy spending time with family. (Such as having a midnight candlelight picnic by the lake, and watching fire flies in the trees.)


This is my INTENSE, High Energy, Romp and Stomp, Adventurous side. In this season, I'm living life to the fullest!

Whether its outdoor's fun like Swimming, Hiking, Camping, Skiing, Gardening, Sports, Dancing, Walking, Exercising, Driving a SeaDoo, Working with Teens, "Lobbying," Riding a motorcycle, Cleaning house, Being a Mom, Teaching or "CLOWNING;" I give it my ALL.


This is my Quiet, Peaceful, Easy-to-laugh, Reflective, Serene, Placid, "Take time to smell the roses" season!

Taking time to think of my friends, enjoying and savoring all of life's precious moments. Content with life, and with who I am. Thanking GOD for the "GIFT" of Life, of Friends, and of Family!

I find Joy in the simple things. Taking time out of a very busy schedule to call a friend. Having a cup of coffee with someone. Writing a note of encouragement.

Now we come to a season that I'm not so excited about. WE all have this side. And as ugly as it is, we can "grow" from it.


Winter is a dormant time. A time to deal with disillusionment. A season of reverence. Of over- coming. Expecting perfection and accepting humanity. A time for serious soul searching. Solving Problems. Deepening my roots. A time for tears, and asking why.
Luckily for me, just as the winters here in Georgia are short lived and Mild, so is this season in my life!

For those of you who continue to ask me to describe myself (thinking I had done so above) I'll give a short summary.
I was born and raised in Georgia

I'm a Mother, Teacher, Friend, Mentor, Encourager, Lobbyist, Performer-- Problem solver, determiner of action, and the one who gives those talks to whoever needs them.
Phone messenger, the reminder of responsibilities, comforter, encourager, counselor.

reader of thousand of children's books (over and over again)
executioner of ants, wasps, spiders and other pests.
resident encyclopedia source for all those hard questions the seem to arise.

Family secretary, ironer of wrinkles, archivist for everything that "must" be kept.

Cleaner of the oven, the drawers, the closets, the garage, the curtains, the bedding, the windows, even the walls and baseboards.
enjoyer of those moments when nothing is happening, no one is calling, nothing demands attention-those rare, rare moments.

Emergency medical technician and "ambulance" driver.
Just to name a few!

My favorite color is Red and Black (combo) or Blue .

My favorite food is Italian.

My favorite movie is A WALK IN THE CLOUDS

I enjoy reading. I like reading: non fiction (informational books), mysteries, adventure/thrillers, romance, biographies and autobiographies. My favorite authors are: Greg Laurie, Chuck Swindoll, James Dobson, Anne Ortlund, Mary Higgins Clark, Kathleen Woodiwiss, Tom Clancy, John Grisham, Ridley Pearson.

I enjoy (good) music and love to dance. I like everything from classical, LATIN, jazz, rhythm and blues, pop, christian, piano, classic rock, rock, country, to big band.

I love being outdoors. (especially being around water) I love camping, hiking, working in the garden, soaking up the sun's rays, all types of water sports, campfires, waterfalls, watching nature.

My favorite sport is Hockey.

My Hero is Sir Issac Newton.

My favorite place is Dunns River Falls, Ocho Rio's Jamaica

If there is anything else you would like to know about me, feel free to email me.
