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Love's Risk

There is a risk involved in everything.
Every time you share a smile.
Every time you shed a tear.
You are opening yourself up to hurt.

Some people tread slowly through life,
Avoiding the closeness risk brings,
Sidestepping the things they can't understand
Turning away from those who care too much-
Those who hold too tightly.

There is never an easy way to love.
You can not approach it cautiously.
It will not wait for you to arm yourself.
It does not care if you turn away.
It is every where, it is everything.

Love is the greatest of all risks.
It is not reliable, it is not cautious.
It is unsympathetic. It is unpredjudiced and unmerciful.
It strikes the strongest of mind,
And brings them to their knees in one blow.

Even in the best of times, love hurts.
It hurts to need, it hurts to belong,
It hurts to be the other part of someone else.
Without either of your consent.
But, from the moment it overtakes you,
It hurts worse to be all alone.

--- author unknown

My good friend ~Dan~ wrote this poem for me! I love it!
"A Perfect Day"

What a light comes to me through you
But that of an Autumn day.
A mere word from you
Like a golden drop of rey

I stand at the stream's edge
Admiring the majesty of the falls,
Happy to be outside with you
Not enclosed within the walls.

There in the middle of the stream
We spy a favorite spot;
A scamper through icy waters
And we find ourselves on top.

Sitting on that rock,
Life is simple and free;
A rejuvenation of spirits
It's the season that is key.

Day turns to night
And we walk that forest mile;
The end of a perfect day
How can we but smile.

Sitting by the fireplace
The flickers catch your eyes;
From the top of cups of soup,
The steam it will rise.

Soon it's time to return
To the hallowed halls of home;
Till next a fall day come
Our hearts and spirits roam.

-- Dan Cuthbert
