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Agricultural Options : Trading, Risk Management, and Hedging (Wiley Finance Editions); Emerging Market Portfolios : Diversification and Hedging Strategies; Michael Papaioannou, George Tsetsekos; Hardcover; $85.00 (Special Order)

 Global Investment Risk Management : Managing Against Currency, Interest Rate, Equity and Commodity Risk; Ezra Zask; Hardcover; $58.50 (Not Yet Published -- On Order)

 Top Farmer Guide to Using Options for Profitable Marketing of Farm Commodities;Paperback; $25.00 (Special Order)

 Currency and Interest Rate Hedging : A User's Guide to Options, Futures, Swaps, & Forward Contracts; Torben Juul Andersen; Hardcover; $44.96

 Currency Options : Hedging and Trading Strategies; Henry K., Jr. Clasing, et al; Hardcover; $70.00 (Special Order)

 Inside the Financial Futures Markets (Wiley Finance Editions); Mark J. Powers, Castelino Mark G.; Hardcover; $49.50

 Financial Derivatives : Hedging With Futures, Forwards, Options and Swaps (The Chapman & Hall Series in Accounting & Finance); David Winstone; Hardcover; $32.95 (Special Order)

 Handbook of Currency and Interest Rate Risk Management; Robert Schwartz, Clifford W. Smith; Hardcover; $65.00 (Special Order)

 Interest Rate Risk Management : The Banker's Guide to Using Futures, Options, Swaps and Other Derivative Instruments; Benton E. Gup, Robert Brooks; Hardcover; $65.00 (Special Order)

 Management and Control of Currency and Interest Rate Risk; Barry Howroft, Christopher Storey; Hardcover; $55.00 (Special Order)

 Managing Risk With Financial Futures : Hedging, Pricing, and Arbitrage; Robert T. Daigler; Hardcover; $65.00 (Special Order)

 Options and Futures in International Portfolio Management; Terry J. Watsham; Hardcover; $109.50 (Special Order)