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"Next Level" Tip #1:

This ball handling tip also happens to involve shooting as well, off-handed or weak-handed shooting, that is. As any basketball player or coach knows, it is extremely important for a player to be able to use both hands to dribble and shoot lay-ups or other close range shots. I want to strongly encourage you to do more than that. Take your off-handed ability to the "next level" by learning to do more than just make every move in either direction or shoot close range shots with either hand. If you want to approach becoming a truly UNSTOPPABLE offensive force, be able to make any shot with either hand within a range of 5 to 6 feet from the basket. Once you have done this, a defensive player will be at your mercy. You will be so unpredictable and always able to take what the defense gives you with confidence. Let's not get ahead of ourselves though.

If you have yet to achieve a solid foundation of two-handedness (ambidexterity) as a ball handler and dribbler, then focus the greater portion of your practice time on eliminating that weakness first. Good luck getting to the "Next Level." Work at it, and email me your success stories as a result of your practice. I assure you it will make a difference in your game!"


"Next Level" Tip #2:

After stressing the value and benefits of being a two-handed player, I want to give you some drills to help develop your off hand (or weak hand).

1.   Wall Dribbles: Stand 2-3 ft. from wall, hold the ball in shooting form(arm is in form of the letter L, with upper arm parallel to the floor). Dribble off the wall bouncing the ball just at or above eye level. Use primarily for off hand, but if your strong hand could use better ball control, work on both. Compare how much more control you have with your dominant hand. When doing this drill, bounce the ball in a slow, controlled pace; it is not a speed dribble. Let your arm extend and return to the L position with each bounce. Think "soft hands," and control the ball. Get to work, it really helps!!!

2.  Perimeter Dribbling: This idea behind this drill is no different than dribbling in circles around a line of chairs, or dribbling around the center court circle, as many old-school coaches had their players do. It's a simple drill, but a very effective drill. Again, this is for your off hand, but is great for your strong hand as well. The following description is for a right handed person working on their left hand. Begin on the baseline near the right side of the lane. Simply dribble in a big circle near the boundary lines and finish with a left-handed layup. It's important that you are cutting back to the right throughout the circle. The act of cutting to the right, while dribbling left handed, teaches your hand to control the ball. Smaller circles are also effective. You can start on the block, dribble in a cirlcular pattern around the top of the key, then go in for the layup. Be sure to keep your head up as much as possible, or even use dribble glasses if you have them. Get to work and be a two-handed player!!!

Look for more off-hand development drills coming soon!!!


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Dave Hannan
P.O. Box 465343
Lawrenceville, GA 30042
Toll-Free:  (888) 655-1663 or (770) 822-5775