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Name: Ally Kirkpatrick. Joke people, JOKE!!!

Birthday: September 25th, 1979. I will be 20. And I would just like to let you know that my birthday is on 8 years, and 22 days away from Chris' And we are both Libras, which is a compatible marrige. You know, if we were to get married.

Things I love: Audrey Hepburn, Chris, Candy, Sports, Convertables, butterfly's, Chris, music, the sun, Florida, going to concerts, reading, Chris, Candy, my friends, And have I mentioned, I LOVE CHRIS! LoL, hey buddy. Hey Busta. Hey Angello. Love you too.

My coolest friends: Gosh, I hope I don't make anyone mad. Here goes. Lacey, Teri, Jo, Shannon, Maggie, Jen, Chris K (his last name will remain a secret), Angello, Pete, Ryan (well he isnt a friend, more like an infatuation, but he can be considered my friend. LoL), and that is it for now. Oops, almost forgot someone. ARLAS!! You rock honey:)

What I want to be when "I Grow Up". If it happens: An entertainment journalist. Or a radio DJ. Let me know if you know somewhere where I can do either:) LoL.

What I want to say: Hey everyone. You ropck. Thanks for visiting the sight. Don't bombared me with too much mail. Oh yes, here is something I want to say and don't get mad please. I am not bragging, but my time onstage in "For the Girl Who Has Everything" was completely awesome. I'll never wash my body again. They all touched it cause they knew who I was:) Yeah. Ok that is it.

Love ya, Ally