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The Fashion Mishaps at the American Music Awards


Giddy Up

What's up wit' dat Y'all?
Why they didn't dress well at all on this night...
1) There really WAS a monsoon coming...
2) Remember how Lance wanted to be an astronaut? Well now Justin wants to, too..
3) We've always known that Lance is sweet, but dressing like a chocolate bar is going WAY too far!
4) JC: Don't get mad, get glad! (By the way, JC once dressed like a garbage man, now he dressed like a garbage bag)
5) Chris- Uh... He was the normal looking one....
6) Joey became a firefighter before the show and didn't have time to change.
7) Amy says: "Okay, JC looks like my purse." Amy, that's because he's money! (That's for you Tracy!)
8) Let's learn a lesson from Will Smith everybody, Leather? Yes. Vinyl? No
9)Who dresses them for these awards shows anyway? Those people should be drug out onto the street and beat with coin-filled socks (see, we KNOW that they know how to dress better than this.... see, what they meant to say, in a very very sarcastic tone, when they accepted their award is "We want to thank Lou Pearlman...cough...cough... for dressing us like a bunch of clowns...cough...cough...ummm...yeah...Lou you're a great guy! Thanks!
10) They dressed like they did cuz' Lance is from Mississippi.
*Sorry guys we temporarily lost the official CRUNKlish dictionary
(because Lance is from Mississippi)

Who can dress best?
