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Tribute to Bop

"If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is, "God is crying",and then if he asks why God is crying, I think another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."-SNL

Did you know that people actually "read" Bop and Tigerbeat.. I guess we should say "look at"... whatever, you know you do.

The point is, that if you actually do "read" these magazines, its like they throw in some crazy print that half the time never makes sense.

Point 1: One that I saw had "Lance has a black Toyata 4Runner" on one page and "Lance doesn't drive much because he doesn't own a car!"
Um..note to Bop: If you're going to get the info right for once, get the info right in the ENTIRE magazine... I guess they figure since no one actually ever reads the entire magazine..(I was extremely bored) then...

Point 2: What's up with that page with the Poetry and Drawings on it? Umm... those look nothing like Nsync. It's like some random guys with Tommy clothes on them and we're supposed to be like "Oh!!! Its Justin!"
So anyway, we found these amazing poems written by (cough cough us) Katie and Jenny.

Hey my name is Katie and I'm 12. I love Justin. He is going to marry me. Here's my poem.

Justin is who I love
His heart fits me like a glove
I will love him until the end of time
I like to write poems that rhyme
Justin looks good in anything couldn't be neater
I like him in his Tommy gear and his wifebeater
If I saw Justin I would say "I Love You"
Cuz we'd be both wearing Baby blue
I'd walk over to Justin and kiss him
This poem makes no sense and it has absolutely no rhythm
So Justin in your life I want to be a part
Because without you its tearin' up my heart

Hi my name is Jenny and I'm 11. I love Lance.

I love this guy his name is Lance.
I love him even though he can't dance.
I love to read Bop and Tigerbeat
They are magazines that are really neat.
Lance is cool I will be his girl
Even if right now hes with Topanga from Boy meets world
I like to think about him and go to the mall
And look at my 500 pictures of him on the wall
If I ever met him I would sit there and stare
And hold up a picture like those girls on TRL in Times Square
He would love me cuz I have his picture and our love would be complete
And he would sweep me off my feet.
Remember girls, Lance is mine, this I know
Cuz he's my favorite Mississippi Albino.

Hi, I am Allison, and I am 42 and I love Chris and I think I am married to him, and I have like 648 pics of him on my wall and I have everything ever made with his picture and everytime he comes on TV I tape him. Here is my cool poem to you BOP. I also live with 24 cats.
Chris is funny
Chris is cool
When he sings
it makes me drool
His words make me laugh
like no other ever could
If I had the chance to scrump him
you know that I would
We are married
and are very happy
when were together
we watch movies that are sappy
But if you see him BOP
tell him I care
and that I fall in love
in his deep brown stare.
So this is my poem
All about my man
and if I cant have him
no one can
So stay away
all you teeny bopper girls
cause you know he is more precious
then any diamond or pearl
And because of this
he belongs to me
And if you forget my name
Remeber, I am his wife Allie

Hi my name is Heather and I am 24. Joey is so fine!

Joey joey he's our man.
If he can't do it no one can
Cuz everytime I see him it puts me in a hex!

Hi! My name is Shelly and I'm 18 and I watched JC on the Mickey Mouse Club!

On MMC I saw you first
You made me smile and my heart thrist
For water of course cuz its my favorite drink
I sleep a lot like you and I don't know a word that rhymes with drink
I'm always on time and I know what to do
I like to make little jazz versions just like you!
So JC please will you be mine?
Cuz I go to bed at 7:00 everynight

Another section in Bop we've noticed (oh God help us!lol) is one where they ask a question and these girls answer them.. one question was "If you saw your favorite star walking down the street and they had amnesia, would you take advantage of them and say you were their boyfriend/girlfriend." Here's what we said about that. E-mail us with your answers!

Okay first of all Bop... no boys read your magazine...and anyways... yes of course I would... If I saw Justin walking down the street and he had amnesia... I'd be like "Hey you, whatcha doing?" and he'd be like "Are you my girlfriend" and I'd say "no" cuz thats wrong but... "Hey Justin.. you see that Mercedes that you're walking towards? Yeah thats mine, can I have my keys back? thanks"... ha ha ha -Jo

"Justin, where have you been, honey! I've been worried sick! I woke up and you were gone! And I couldn't find you! I didn't know where you had gone and you scared me baby!"-Candi Acid

"Lance, what are you doing out of the house. You know I asked you to wair for me in the house. Five years of marriage and you still don't understand that we need someone to take care of the kids while i'm working!"-LanceLuva2

"I would say 'Honey where have you been??!?! I've been looking everywhere for you!! Let's go buy that engagement ring you wanted me to help you buy for me....and let's do it fast cuz we still have to make reservations for that private jet to paris in an hour"...and take his arm and get a movin!"-Dancinjenz

Nsync's Favorite Magazines are:

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More Bop Stuff at 'All About NSync'
Loveline: What went down
Loveline: Our Version
