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The Logic Behind the Countdown

Catch the MTV countdown Saturday?(and Sunday and probably 4 times a week until February...of 2045) Here's our thoughts on the matter... And on EVERY video... (don't worry we do have lives...)

*Doesn't MTV realize that we already have the *N the Mix video???
*Lance obviously picked the Skee-lo video except he thought that it was "I wish I were a little bit tanner...I wish I was a dancer... I wish I was a girl that looked good...oh wait... I Am!
*Justin requested that they play the "I Want You Back" video because he likes to sing along to it... (except he sings "I duh na na)
*Joey picked out the "No Sleep 'til Brooklyn" video to scare JC
*Chris chose Busta Rhymes so many times b/c it's really his brother...can we say nepotism (favoring relatives)? (Amy) Plus I think that JC gets a little "Dangerous" with his hand gestures...(Jo)
*JC didn't choose a song because he was sleeping the entire interview? HA! He was napping!
*By the way Lenny Kravitz is Chris' cousin... notice the similarities in hair (Amy)
*Lance got to play Shania because MTV refused to play "Achy Breaky Heart" (of course Joey was the one who really wanted to "play" Shania)
*Joey got to play the Jewel song because Monifah's "Touch It" wasn't fan friendly (Amy)
*The guys chose "Buddy Holly" for JC because they figured he'd like it if he were awake
*Justin chose the Jay-Z video obviously... even though they limited his number of rap videos (Amy)
*Lance wanted to play "Ice Ice Baby" but Justin took it as an insult (Sources say he also wanted "Informer" from Daddy Snow but Justin beat him into submission)
*Justin agreed on "Black Hole Sun" because it had his favorite word in the title
*Hmmm... secret crush on Gwen, Chris? Yes, we think so. Notice how they didn't play any "Bush"... (Amy also wants to state that Joey was mad because that's HIS favorite word--> Jo had NOTHING to do with this!!!)
*They chose "How Deep Is Your Love" to prove that even if he sings with his mouth full Justin can still be cute...
*Yeah right... sure they picked "Miami" because it's in the great state of Florida... uh huh... you know they just wanted to see girls in bikinis and they had a better cover up for that one than the "Pretty Fly For A White Guy" video... (plus, Justin has that shirt! Ha!)
*They played "Bittersweet Symphony" because Lance is from Mississippi.
*How come they didn't play any Whitesnake?? C'mon, I thought Lance liked that!
*One guess on why they played "Hip Hop Hooray" and it ain't Joey, JC, Chris, or Lance...
*The played 98* because the Leprechaun told Chris to do it. (By the way, MTV was really hurting for some facts by this video... "The guys of Nsync's body temperature is around 98 degrees."! REallY?!)
*That "I Want You Back" megamix was pretty fly for ah...nevermind
*They chose Jamoriruhunjkquai or however the flip you spell that... anyway, they chose it because they wanted to settle the disagreement about the floor....
*Wow... those facts were sooo new... I didn't know Justin grew 2" or that JC's birthday is now in the month of January...
*LLCool J? Yeah, that's JC's nickname
*They chose Luv ta' Luv ta' Luv ya' because Justin secretly wished his last name was Timbalake...
*They like Wyclef.
*Lance chose Beck because he identifies with that song.(Amy) (and Justin likes to get crunk with the cheez whiz(Jo)
*They played "Give it Away" because when they saw it they thought- "Hey! We spray painted ourselves metallic too!"(We have a picture of that... just e-mail us for it...) *Mmmmm... Ice cream... Actually, Chris chose "Smashing Pumpkins" because he likes Halloween.
*They played "Goo Goo Dolls" because Lance has a crush on Meg Ryan.
*Why did Lance show us the earplug???
*No diggity is in the official Crunklish Dictionary so heck ya' they're gonna play it!
*They played "Crazy" because Chris hits guys in the head with golf balls and rides dogs. (Gee... thew word crazy... hmmm... let's all think about how many *NSync songs have the word "Crazy" in them... and let's not forget that if Justin had to name a song to describe his past, present, or future, he'd pick... yes, "something with crazy in it")
*Lance had fun on the tour of the bus... ("Lounge... (Hop).. Kitchen... (Hop)... Lounge.... (Hop)...Kitchen")
*They played "Are you that Somebody?" from the Dr. Doolittle(you know the talkin' to the animals one) soundtrack in honor of Toby the Horse.
*What does MLE stand for anyway? And was there really a 711 in the basement? Inquiring minds want to know!
*Lance wants to Bungee Jump... Joey wants to jump Alicia... this explains the Cryin' video (Amy)
*Ah! A husky! For the Siberian Husky eyed fella! Good choice!(Talkin about the part where they tell us what they REALLY do with all their stuffed animals they get.)
*The played "Intergalatic" because Lance wanted to be an astronaut and Justin's wears space pants
*They played Save tonight because they just did okay?!!
*They played the song from the Rugrats movie because Justin's favorite color is BABY blue
*Hate to break it to ya' Girls, but it looks like *Nsync has a crush on Mya...
*JC picked the Matchbox20 song (think about it) "Its 3pm I must be sleeping"
*"Everytime" these guys see Janet... yeah she's pretty and all, but...
*CREAM! Get the money! Dolla Dolla bill yo! Yeah... "See little teenybopper fans- this is what we have and this is what you spend on us...thanks for Justin's chromed out M-Class by the way! That was all you!"
*They played Nirvana because Johnny Wright told them to.
*Lance chose OFFspring because when he dances he's a little OFF
*And finally we come to Lauryn Hill.... gee... We mean, we like Lauryn-Mad props to ya'!- but we were hoping for like MC Hammer or New know, JC's dancing influences...

*We use the official CRUNKlish dictionary because Lance is from Mississippi

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