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Say What??
Crunked Up Thoughts...

Why Chris remains the weird one: "I was raised by my mom and sisters, so I grew up thinking women were the boss. Women are right, men are wrong, the end."
(Darn right, Kirky boy!)

"I need lots of calming down."

"I think we're all equally funny--its just I come out of the box the fastest."
(The box???What box?)

"JC dances in front of the mirror quite a lot and makes all these crazy faces at himself."
(Isnt this how Jim Carrey got started? LOL)

"I have a really short attention span so things tend to bore me easily, which I hate."

This one takes the cake.....I dont wanna know how he came up with this one:

"The worst feeling in the world is when you stick your hand in a bowl of jelly and you dont wash it off. Now thats a bad feeling--it gets all sticky and crusty..."
(Note to self......dont let Chris near Jelly..... or any spreadable fruit.....)

Lance and Chris Have It Out

Everyone (Including Lance) tells Chris he's crazy and it kind of hurts his feelings, (but they mean it in a loving way).

Interviewer: Lance...what would you say is Chris' best quality?

Lance: Chris is just crazy!

Chris: And youre saying thats my best quality??

Lance: it IS your best quality. When youre crazy, you're funny, that makes people laugh and its really cool.

Chris Great, Im not a good person. Im just crazy. Thanks.

My impression of what happened after the interview:

(Later after the interview Chris confronts Lance.)

Chris: Hey Lance. Do you really think me being crazy is my best quaity?

Lance: Well, yeah.....everyone knows that.....

Chris: Are you trying to say that I'm nuts? I belong in a mental institution? That I should be wearing a straight jacket?? Is that It?

Lance: Chris... stop it...youre freaking me out. I cant tell wether your kidding or not.

Chris: My best quality is that I'm crazy... How about the fact that I put this dang group together? Huh? How bout that? Doesnt that count for anything?


JC comes along. Looks at Chris and Lance.

JC: Guys seperate and go to your bunks. Dang Chris....first Justin with the Pro Bowl thing..wanting to be #1, now you're yellin' at Lance because he said you were crazy. I think your braids are on too tight. It was a compliment, Chris. Everybody knows you're the crazy one... Crazy Kirkpatrick. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and get my beauty rest.

Chris: Geez JC...... i was just messing with him. (Pretends to cry) No one understands me. None of you know who i really am. Youre so insensitive JC!

Chris sits down on the couch with his hands over his head ( still pretending to cry)

JC: Aw man, I'm sorry. I didnt mean it. We know who you are......and that you put this group together.

Chris looks up and smirks..

Chris: "SYKE! GOT YA!!!!!! See I can act just as well as you and Justin....Ha ha ha! Ha ha! Ha!

JC proceeds to pelt Chris with pillows......
(of course JC pelts him with pillows..what else??)

Chris: JOHNNY! JCs picking on MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! MAKE HIM STOP!!!


Thanks to Jillian for the Material! Click here to e-mail her!

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Valentine's Day Song

Pro Bowl Dispute
