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*If Justin were JC he'd change his name to Jay-Z
*If Lance were Justin he'd finally have rhythm
*If Chris were Lance he wouldn't be ascared to hurt his face riding horses
*If Joey were JC he'd fix that skinny problem
*If Justin were Lancer it'd be like Master P playing Beau in Dukes of Hazard
*If Chris were Justin he'd probably act like he were 12
*If Joey were JC he'd sleep with stuffed animals instead of...
*If Lance were Chris he'd have the correct attire for huntin'
*If Justin were Lance he'd teach himself how to dance (Amy)
*If JC were Chris he'd finally have a life (Amy)
*If Justin were Lance he'd have enough horsin' skills to not break his arm fallin' off one! (Amy)
*If Joey were Chris he'd wear his dreads in Superman colors (Amy)
*If Justin were Joey he'd buy oversized Superman necklaces...oh wait, that one's interchangeable!
*If Lance were Justin he'd never wear that stupid condom hat
*If JC were Justin he'd be obsessed with orange
*If Lance were JC he would just sleep a lot more! (Amy)

You like *Nsync because....
