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Valentine's Day Special

A Valentine's Day Song

Can this be true
Tell me can this be real?
Could my guy actually know what I feel?
He's gotten me gifts
They'd sucked before
Why all the sudden
Is he spending some more
Never thought that love could feel like this
But I swear money can buy pure bliss
How can it be that right here with me
There's all these presents
Its a miracle

His love is like expensive
How can that be?
No guy ever spent so much
When it comes to me
On february 1-4 I know that you'll see
My boyfriend spent a little bit more on me

In all of creation
All gifts great and small
His are the ones that surpasses them all
More priceless than any diamond ring
He broke the bank just to buy me a mink
And I'm trying hard to make sense of it
Just how his wallet got so darn big
Was he selling crack?
Or is he just the mack?
I can't decide
It leaves me mystified...!
(repeat chorus)

DO A VALENTINE'S DAY MADLIB! Click to do your own!

Here's how mine turned out! Send yours to us!

One crunk summer day at Lance's bedroom you see the most sexy creature you have ever seen. Their name is Lance , and every move he makes just turns you on more and more. You nudge your best friend Amy and say, "Wow, that has to be the most drunken body I have ever seen. Suddenly, he looks in your direction and starts walking right towards you!!! he says, "I noticed you staring at me from over there. I just had to tell you, that I think you are so hot , and was wondering if you'd like to go to Lance's pants with me and Scrump Lance ?" With a stupid smile on your face you say, " We gonna get this crunk foo' " and go with them. When you finally get to Lance's pants , he moves closer to you, and gives you the biggest kiss ever. The two of you are passionately kissing, when you feel a sheets hit you on the back of the head. You open your eyes to find out it's all a dream, but there is a note left next to your bed.

Who's your Valentine?

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Be the virtual Mrs. timberlake!(got this idea from the site Giddy Up)
