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Warning: This Message includes shady topics that may not be appropriate for children who are not allowed to watch r rated movies. It is also not appropriate for anybody who would take anything seriously... we like Nsync, they're great... we love 'em... but we also realize they are not as perfect as bop makes them out to be... so read on and relize that jo's not perfect and if amy wants to make fun of her she can... she could even make a newsletter, even though she knows no one would give a wahoo....
NO HATE MAIL PLEASE!!!! This one is meaner than our last couple in our own opinion...

Anyway, anyone who saw TRL tonight saw this total idiot who baked cupcakes for Justin... aww... like he gives a crunk.... hmmm

A little misconceptions here and there... As if Justin was actually watching. First of all he has to have better things to do than watch an hour of videos that he's seen about twenty thousand times... Anyway, here's the truth about *NSync...

Myth: Justin watches TRL everyday and actually cared that that girl baked him some personalized cupcakes.

Fact: Justin is too busy scrumpin' Britney to actually care

Myth: Justin is 18 (almost), Lance is 19, Joey is 22, Jc is 22, and Chris is 277.

Fact: Justin is 23, Joey is 22, Jc is 56, Chris is 11, and Lance is a girl.

Myth: Lance is from Mississippi

Fact: Lance is from the Mississippi museum of Albinoism

Myth: JC sleeps a lot

Fact: JC sleeps a heckuva lot

Myth: None of the guys have girlfriends

Fact: Justin's dating Britney and Lance is dating two of her dancers... the girl ones... plus Joey is engaged to a mail order bride, Chris has two kids, and JC is their nanny (they take a lot of naps BTW)

Myth: Justin's idol is Michael Jackson

Fact: Justin somehow created a device to suck the color outta Michael Jackson

Myth: Nine out of ten sexually active people have a STD

Fact: Nine out of the ten people who sleep with Joey has a STD

Myth: Justin will marry you if you really really try and wish upon a star

Fact: Mickey lied to you with all that "when you wish upon a star" crap

Myth: All of this true

Fact: None of this is true although it could be proved in a courtroom if you give Kenneth Starr enough money and a stained dress.

Now Amy's going to answer the most FAQ about our newsletter this week:

Hi I was wondering why you always make fun of Lance. He's a great guy and you're not being fair. -wahntz2btopanga

Dear wahntz2b, We like Lance. Amy

This is terrible because Joanna typed it at 4:30 in the morning (Ha!) and cuz Lance is from Mississippi naturally!


Our 12 Step Program for the *Nsync Obsessed
