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Notes to Home: By Jill

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Hello all you Nsync fans....Jillian here got a special treat for you. See, when Jo and Amy went inside the guys' rooms, they stole their old school records cuz Jo and Amy are kleptos (just like JC) ha ha ha no seriously...they were just lying around...Anywho, we found some pretty interesting stuff that just confirms what we already know and love about them.. Sit back and enjoy
A letter sent home with Joey Fatone for his parents:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fatone

It has come to the attention of the teachers that Joseph has recently learned about the birds and the bees. For show and tell, he told his whole class what he had learned. Some of the children went home and told their parents what they had learned, and we've been getting calls nonstop. Joseph tends to spend all his time socializing with the little girls in his class, and rarely with the little boys in his class. Please contact the school so we may set up a parent-teacher meeting... Joseph does exel in music and in comedy. He will either be a singer or comedian.... or judging on the way he plays with the little girls............. a doctor.

Progress report for Justin Randall Timberlake:

Justin has developed his own language this week, and the other children won't play with him because they can't understand him. He takes anything that is the color of baby blue. This is a problem...since our naptime blankets are ALL baby blue. In addition to the all the naptime blankets, Justin carries around his own little mirror. Justin is highly skilled at sports, yet he hogs the ball wheneve possible... Exels in Music and sports......will be a singer or basketball player......

Progress Report for James Lansten Bass:

We have started referring to James as Lance.....since there are 10 other little boys in the class named James. That and his favorite character in history is Sir lancelot. Lance has recently learned how to say and spell Mississippi....and goes around telling everyone......cuz hes from Mississippi. Exels in music and manners......... will be a singer or a teacher.... Wants to dress up like a giant dog for Halloween and sing some song... Boohoo? Or Froofu?

Progress Report for Christopher ALan Kirkpatrick

Christopher runs around with sharp objects, even when told repeatedly not to. He tends to be the ringleader, and gets the other children to do other crazy things. Christopher refuses to wear anything but his football jersey. Wants to grow his hair out and braid his hair into dreadlocks like Bob Marley. Is hyper and active. Is hyperactive. Exels in music and other fields.......... wil be a singer, or the next Evil Knevil......

Progress Report for Joshua Scott Chasez

Joshua is a quiet and easy going child. He favors naptime over anything else. He is always in charge of group activities, and schedules. Tends to be the teachers pet. Likes to sing a lot. One more note. Joshua has been given a nickname as of late...... from now on he will be known as "J.C."......because neither the teachers nor the other little children can pronounce Joshua's last name. Joshua insists that he be called JC as well.......
Exels in music, especially Jazz, and time management....
will be a singer, a boss, or a guidance counselor.......