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Signs Your A Fan but not a Teenybopper

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Thank to Tricia!(
Signs You're A Fan, But NOT a Teenybopper

1. Yes, you buy Bops, but you feel ashamed standing in the checkout line.
2. You refuse to go to a checkout line run by anyone under the age of 35.
3. You buy the music, the CDs, the books, but you draw the line at the T-shirts, hats, and spiral notebooks.
4. Your internet favorites are full of 'NSYNC sites, but the ones you most frequently visit are the humor sites.
5. You are over the age of 12.
6. You can easily recite all of their birthdays, but you don't actively celebrate them with cakes and cards.
7. You think that Justin is gorgeous, but you don't go around calling yourself "Mrs. Timberlake."

And we added some:
8. You actually understood Loveline.
9. Wait wait wait.. Your parents actually let you watch it...(or you didn't have to even ask)
10. You're legal
11. Okay, so you have a picture of the guys up in your room, but its autographed and only ONE. Not like an entire shrine devoted to Justin complete with candles, skulls, and a lock of his hair or anything like that...
12. You're a recovering teenybopper... like this summer with the whole NSync tour, you actually know who Jordan Knight is and even had a giant button with his picture on it.
13. You remember when the Berlin Wall came down.
14. You have never been to Times Square between the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 EST and if you have, you were not in the TRL audience holding up a giant poster of Justin hoping he'd see it and fall in love with you.
15. You have never written a letter to Bop and if you have it was concerning Joey McIntyre and was written in 1990.
16. You aren't in the middle of some big hunt to find Nsync's real girlfriends.
17. Okay, so you know all the moves to "I Want You Back", but you don't rely on the 8th grade dance to show them off. You can actually go out and party at a club or something to get jiggy Nsync style...that way you have a four letter excuse for acting like an absolute moron... and it starts with "B"
18. You don't shop in Claires.... Often.
19. You really want to go to the next *Nsync concert, but you wouldn't shave your head or cut off you leg for tickets
20. You liked Taz before you knew all the guys's Names.
21. If someone tells you "Nsync sucks", "Nsync is gay", or anything similar to this, you don't get threaten to kill them.
Twenty-One's a good number...and no! It has nothing to do with *Nsync!! Ha!

You don't punch out any pretty girl you see who likes nsync in fear of they are trying to steal your future husband.-Katie (KLGMC)

Top 10 Reasons to be an Older Nsync Fan:
10. When you ask them to sign your chest, they are happy to oblige.
9. You are old enough to get into clubs and see them getting trashed.
8. You can go to their concerts without your parents. (That's definitely a plus isn't it ladies?)
7. You can tell they are lying about being single and ready to mingle.
6. It's easier to beat down the teenyboppers that think they are going to have Justin's baby.
5. Giddy Up has a whole different meaning!
4. You can say "My geez, those are fine pieces of men!" and know what you are talking about
3. If you are legal, Joey won't get in trouble.
2. Trying to keep your *N SYNC fan status keeps your on your toes!
1. The older you are they better chance you have to SCORE with them!
-Caitlin (DJ2NYK20)

If you have more email us!!
