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Pro Bowl: Why Justin and Chris Fighting Over the #1

The morning of 2/7/99: The guys learn that not only are they going to be performing in the Pro-Bowl, but they also get to wear Jerseys! Cool! Chris was soo excited, but he wanted the #1...How could Justin ever let go to HIS number...

Chris: Hey Justin, I was thinking. You always get to be #1. Do you think for a change I could be #1?

Justin: Crunk dat...

Lance: Justin, you know he's right.

Justin: Lance, shut yo mouth.

Lance: Yes Justin.

Chris: Why not Justin? Why can't I be #1 just this once? You got to be #1 in the Here We Go video, AND the Rock and Jock b-ball....

Justin: Ah, no. I was 1 1/2 on Rock and Jock.

Chris: Is this what's upsetting you? The 1 1/2 thing?

Justin: Ah...nah foo' nah...(tear starts to form)

Joey: Dude... at least you weren't 28! What a lame number!

Justin: Whatever Joey.. don't get pissy cuz you didn't get your first four choices.. It's more important that I only got my second choice!

Chris: Can we please talk about how I should be #1 tonight?

Justin: You ain't gonna be #1 tonight...

Chris: Well I'm the oldest

Justin: Well, I'm the youngest!

Chris: Johnny! Justin's making faces at me again!

Justin: Am not!

Chris: Am to!

Justin: Am not!

Chris: Am to!

Justin: Am not!

Chris: Am to!

Justin: Johnny! Chris is looking at me!

JC: Would you guys quit fighting already! I'm trying to sleep!

Chris: Jerk!

Justin: I know you are but what am I?

Chris: A Jerk!

Justin: I know you are but what am I?

Chris: I'm rubber and you're glue! What bounces off me sticks to you!

Justin: Yeah well, whatever bounces off me gets stuck in that crunk weave of yours!

This was based on a Conversation Between:

and Jillian
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