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Proof Nsync Can't Accessorize...

Or be gay... since it's a know fact most gay men can dress, here's the proof you need to convine all your guy friends that they are not gay!

Proof 1

Nice Bop Shirt Lance!

Wow guys! How do you spell *Nsync again?

JC if you'd grant me three wishes, I wish you could dress better!

Is that Duff from Guns N' Roses? its one of our guys...

Nice hair Justin... So, does it glow in the dark?

Hey aren't those the piece-of-crap glasses Lance dug out of the garbage can for their "Giddy Up" performance on Disney?

More Proof....

Nice necklace, Joey and Justin. Does Mr.T know you stole it from him?

Lance- Love the Navy thing you got going on there.. Clashes real nice like

Chris, what the heck are you trying to say???

Good idea Justin! Spray paint yourself in Gold!(Jailbait, I think youve been watching that "Pretty Fly for a white guy" video too much....

"Look guys! I'm an eskimo! Ha ha ha! Ha ha! Ha!"-Chris

Jc-"I'm too sexy for this outfit...too sexy for this outfit..."

Still More Proof

Ay! Gorgitas!

Chris! hey! Your hats suck!

Nice nose, Justin

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