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What Ever Happened to JC's Shades??

We here at this here site here decided that there are only a few explanations to why JC's shades fell off during the Disney Concert... sure it was awhile ago, but Jill down at the JC Sleep Institute has figured out only four possiblities through extensive research and has come to this conclusion:
They fell off...

Okay okay but how you ask?? Here's why:
1)Joey ate them
Quite possibly the most logical explanation since at the end of the Giddy Up song he sounded like he was burping...let's move on

2) Tired of being a non-conformist, JC opted to remove the shades so he could yes, be unique.
Yes this makes sense.. although it seems that he would want to wear them since a)he looked fly in them and b) James Dean looked fly in them too. Plus, no one would notice him "resting his eyes" ahem sleeping ahem during Justin's parts with them on... but besides that this makes perfect sense, too. 3) Justin got jealous of JC's moneyness factor in the Ray Bans so... "Hey JC! Look its your idol Sting!""Huh? Where". Trip. Off they go.
Hmmm... this theory also proves logical... let's see the last one...
4) They fell off while he was doing a spin and he couldn't catch them and then Joey laughed at him and then JC laughed and it was funny.
What the flip ever! What are you on crack?? That has got to be the most preposterous thing I have ever heard. How could that have happened? Pulll lease...

Back to the Page much?
