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What da Crunk?!

JC: It's a bird!
Chris: It's a plane!
JC: It is I! For I am Superjoey!
Justin: Is that a crab?
Lance: Feel the wind on my face! Feel the wind!
JC: Maybe I can go to sleep after this...
Chris: It is a crab!
Joey: Are those seagulls over there mating?
Justin: I dunno but those crabs sure are!
Lance: Feel the wind on my face! Feel the wind!
JC: I am definitely going to sleep after this...
Chris: Those crabs are really going at it...
Joey: Yep.. the seagulls are mating...uh huh...
Justin: Is that what I think it is?
Lance: Feel the wind on my face! Feel the wind!

Wanna go back?

Da Crunk Guys of *Nsync
