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You Call

You know the scene, I am asleep with nothingness do I lay,
the walls have eyes... I can not see
and halls have ears, that do not listen to me

From someplace deep and sweet and known
a voice softly speaks my name
it is a name I know so well as if from my own heart it came

With eyes that strain to focus and ears that crane to hear
I search the bounds of this my world
and beg ..please little girl come here

You do not answer, but still you call. You do not come, but still you call
You do not respond ...but still you call

Am I a dream, or dreamer..... still I try my best to think
can this be another nightmare, where time and my heart sink

The voice is sweet and soft but clear
and each time it doth say
my name, my name, my name is says

You do not answer, and still you call . You do not come, but still you call
You do not respond, but still you call

Tonight again I close my eyes and pray for death to hear my cries
I wait upon my bed alone and know your voice will haunt my home
I wait and listen ever the winds do blow, you are there somewhere I know
still like a million cold clear chimes ... I hold my breath and pray
I scream dear God can she not be that angel sweet that comes to me...

You do not answer, and still you call. You do not come, but still you call
You do not respond, but still you call

My name then I curse and cry, why, why, why do you haunt me now
I am sorry for whatever to you, you think I’ve done
I wish I had never been born
and still I hear my name soft sound and on the wind it dances around...

You do not answer, and still you call. You do not come, but still you call
You do not respond, but still you call

copyright © 1999 By Sean

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