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Wind And Water

Wind And Water

Once, I am told we all existed in a dream,
our relms magical like the sea or so it seemed.
Flight was a soft roll eternal in arms magical
that bordered earth, seas and eternity.

When some decided to return there,
their soft songs now ever seem to be where
and come again they surface with sprays and a sigh
falling again deeper into the blue seas of why.

Others found the forest and gathered there round fires
and warmed themselves with others and desires
and came to stand, masters of all they could see
forgeting always their frolicked dreams of the sea.

Yet others reached higher still, heaven was where they would be
and wings grew strong, riding invisible currents aloft to see
and mastered they heavens and flight d
istant and dark they became the night

I wonder at times alone, when magic seems more real
and nights softest kiss makes me remember what my mind will
and almost I hear the whale and dolfins sweet cries
almost I feel the eagles face dashed into the winds of the sky

Canst flight be far from my heart, in this lesser light of night
and warm seas draw forever my soul to return to the sea
what then that dreams share me with a womans soft kiss
for these treasures seem forever lost, what dreams did I miss

Fly then hawk, with blood stained claws
whisper softly precious kin across those endless seas
and all who hear my tears, and all that sense my sadness
come to know I am only another lost child of wind and water


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