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Love Song

You know I wanted to write you a love song
but I really didn't know what to say
I wanted it to be simple not long
but to say all those things I meant to say each day

Dating at the drive in, necking in the car
getting high and acting crazy
how was I to know it would go so very far
that one day, you'd be my lady

Going back trying to recount
things we said along the way
"I love you" is said and repeated
along with kisses every day

The way you snuggle against me in the night
and rub my neck and kiss my ear
the way you always make me think I'm always right
or make me feel good when you're near

So I'm trying to write you this love song
to tell you that I really do
I'm not always right but about this I'm not wrong
I love you mainly for being you

copyright © 1998 By Sean