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October Skies 10/27/98

Standing under a stilled October Sky
watching Orion though eons of time
hushed and silent these stars do sigh
their terrible tales mixed with mine

I stand and stare in reverence
and wonder there in awe
for endless lives they've held their peace
we've sung their names so far

Their light has traveled endlessly far
to reach these eyes of mine
and wishing now for just one word
their stories to my heart unwind

Ahh but silently they watch
for will I worthy be
some soul to hear and tell their tale
along these wreck strung seas

Am I but one more drunken sailor here
that cries his days alone
and reaches with outstretched hands
to where the stars had shown

And will they even speak my name
those that come behind
and will any soul alive remember
under whose name was I born and sign

And where that moon still partially shines
behind the still clothed oak
and whispers to this dead mans heart
you matter, not a mote

So fair her smile , I can ere forget
her voice like silken chords
that brush against my soul so dry
and moisten lips with songs

Copyright © 1998 By Sean