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.......... a rock by the sea

My heart is lost near a rock by the sea
ever would I long there to be
ever would I long for it
ever would my thoughts return
to some rock by the sea.

Dear friend , have your seen it there?
standing soft amid the glare
beautiful, passionate, filled with desire
this rock amongst the flash and fire

Soft eyes, all hues nature can paint
and more , the glow that illuminates
and sighs that sound like heaven to me
that Rock there by the sea

breath that sounds of warmth and desire
soft the touch each spirit would but try
A soul of hunger despair and need
found all its world in a rock by the sea

The valley that chin mounts with a smile
two lips , so soft , so warm , so wild
a dream, offered one dark empty night
two souls to climb into the light

shadow where light would come to play
two mounds, a heart to cross and say
a dream , her breast rise and softly fall
that Rock the sea washes , then makes stand tall

a distant sail breaks with the sun
the horizon and sky where once were one
and now a course plotted with stars
to a Rock by the sea ......I searched so far

If my days run rough and short
and if my dreams are found empty and nought
and in my heart breaks for another day
please , please to that Rock for me say

I would have done almost anything
I would have paid , and bought amd went away
I would have died and cried and promised
one moment longer to hear her song
that Rock there by the sea .......


copyright © 1998 By Sean

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