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Its dark, its late, its cold as hell
I’m tired, I’m weak, I don’t feel well
I thought for sure you'd meet me here
I thinks something’s swimming in my beer,
no it was probably an invisible tear

Gee its so lonely sitting though this date
that was supposed to have been with you
you may have come but like a trace of yesterdays dew
this absence and not quite felt sensation of you
being hurt and forgotten is I think
a sensation not felt lately or maybe new

I know its just that I didn’t matter to you
I hold no hurt, you never promised to be true
its just that you were fresh exciting and new
infatuation and from my imaginings of you

you are not the flawless gem my heart enthralled
yes you have the loveliness of beauty on your bones
but underneath the skin you have a soul
much like mine or anyone else's

I hope that you will never feel
this pain that I received from you
and know that I only want for you
good times

copyright © 1999 By Sean

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