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Late For The Sky

on the beeeeeddd where we both lieeee....... late for the sky"... the killer instrumental and the silence. A soft click, the deck was programmed to play it 16 times.. now silence.
A magical silence, as if the bishops prayer was being considered in heaven.

Two ice cubes locked in love separate and with a cluck fall apart into the liquidless bottom of a glass. The fire licking at a log has eaten enough, the timber falls to the bed of coals glowing hot and dying.
Somewhere she is listening also, somewhere she is maybe drinking her white wine and muses of him.
He hasn't had a day, for five months, not a single day she didn't come into his heart, not a single day her face didn't kiss at his soul. hunger now drives at his mind like the winds of a storm. Relentless ever with a howling pace, it begs his heart, it taxes his strength, it burns his lips. Slowly he watched the coals glowing red and orange brown and black the flames licking at the gases escaping from the logs. He closes his eyes and imagines again her thighs. The perfect way she used to manicure her hair there. Suddenly he is aware a tear has struck his hand at the web between the thumb and index, just missing his beer. Another and another....
" It is the music." he says out loud.

It is just the music, late for the sky.. always does that to me.

The fire now warns that more wood is needed to continue the roaring of the flames, but already he is sobbing and wants only slumber and peace.
She said we would be together, she said we could have all the rest of our lives, she said...
His eyes closed tightly, as if pressing hard enough would eliminate the dreams, the visions, the hurt.

Tomorrow is Wednesday, two more days and the weekend, means he can get drunk and sleep for a couple of days, two more days of hell and then he can resign from life for a spell.

Tutti I know you are out there somewhere.....I love you

copyright © 1999 By Sean

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