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Morituri te Salutante

Soft the earth drinks his life, and always eagerly passes the light
for pleasures sake his blood flows stilled, and laughter greets his final fight

Did his sweet mother nurse him for this, her watchful always seeing eye
and loving touch upon his head to have him thusly end and die

Ah but his worth is light, his purpose done, and all standing leaving the coliseum
those of about to die, salute you...his last breathe offered in their hearing

His blade drew blood, and his foes also. and each next pump out would life pour
and softer still his arms grow weaker as again and again he rises from that floor

And with courage and a proud stare into the arena he goes
his fate tightly he holds in his hand, this outcome only the gods know

And with each blow that strikes flesh and each blow that draws blood
with hurt and resentment comes anger and pain in torrents and floods

He ponders and does a creature feel, and with pain their hearts tear ?
and for pain the moment stay that dreaded hurt and pain and fear

Can a dumb beast taste of fear and smell death closing in
and will fleeter feet then this creature delay its end

Just now trumpets announce the time and heart draws final rested breathe
and walk from shade into the sun leaving this dark sheltered nest

We stand amid this angry roar and offer this our final cries
"Morituri Te Salutante" ( those of us about to die salute you)
We salute you with our last sighs...then silently whisper
"Quod di Omen Avertant"....God forbid

copyright © 1999 By Sean

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