Georgia State Patrol-Frequencies
154.680 (Base) Dispatch Primary (Base to Mobiles)
154.800 (mobile) Dispatch (Mobiles to Base)
154.680 (Mobile) Car to Car
458.4875 Mobile Extenders
155.910 (Repeater) Dispatch (Atlanta Area)(Posts 9,46,47)
155.475 National Law Enforcement Intercity(GSP Bases)
154.905 Intrastate Coordinating(Base to Car)(Statewide)
154.935 Intrastate Coordinating(Base to Base)(Statewide)
155.370 Statewide Intersystem (All Police Agencies)
155.460 Executive Security
154.815 State Patrol (mobiles)
155.190 State Patrol
*Note: This site is in no way connected to the State of Georgia, and the information contained on this site, unless otherwise noted, is not verified by the Georigia State Patrol, the Georgia Department of Public Safety, or the State of Georgia.