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Here is most of my morning group as of now! Here is most of my afternoon class as of now!
Remember!! You CAN make a Difference!!
A hero is someone who keeps going strong when all of the world seems to be against them. To me, my students are exactly what a real hero should be and is.
Welcome to my homepage. I teach preschool age children with disabilities in the great state of Georgia. I love my students and enjoy teaching them. I truly believe in my children. I am a strong advocate for them, and believe that they should be included. With early intervention, love, and support, the sky is the limit for our children. This webpage is for preschool teachers and parents. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel
free to email me!!! Also, please be sure to check back often, as I update my page frequently. I have just added a new forum so that teachers can add ideas (songs,recipes,
art, etc;) that others might enjoy. My email is getting lengthy with ideas, so please post any teaching idea on the curriculum board. I will take ideas from there and post them under the appropriate theme, giving you credit. Also, please sign my new guestbook!! I love to hear from you! Thanks!!
This This Early Chidhood Connection site owned by Kristal Petersen.
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