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Awarded--On--06 / 06 / 99

Gay Wales
I feel the site should be awarded an award because the site has a directory of all Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual organisations in Wales, which is a large (yet usually forgotten country) in the United Kingdom. The work and effort in locating the groups and then placing them on the internet, in my opinion deserves an award.

Awarded--On--05 / 25 / 99

Grrrlz ll Womyn
A lesbian entertainent page.

Awarded--On--04 /07 / 99

GLACC's Home Page
Aaron Gould, founded an orginization for gay and lesbians in rural Chenango County NY. He takes a lot of prejudice for the work he does for others, but never gives up in his fight for improving the life for "our family". His site is too inform people of the GLACC, but he deserves every award out there. As one of the members of the Chenango County Community, I have known Aaron for about 3 years and he has helped me more than I can every begin to describe. He is now organizing this group to help many more. His work for gay rights and assisting gays has cost him dearly. He owned a major franchise, which was taken from him based on his orientation, and with it lost over $250,000.00. He declared bankruptcy and where many would have lost it and given up, he simply dedicated more of himself to be sure it would not happen to anyone else. He is the gem of CNY. Thank You for considering him. Brad Ashton

Awarded--On--03 / 20 / 99

Gay & Lesbian Center
San Bernardino, CA gay & lesbian center

Awarded--on--02 / 14 / 99\

Gay American Business Directory
This is an on-line business directory for gay and lesbian owned and friendly business and service. It's a growing resource for all.

Awarded--on--01 / 30 / 99

Gay Christians
Our site contains affirming and supporting information for Christians and non-Christians who are gay.

Awarded--on--12 / 11 / 98

Gay Dudes Yearbook
Gaydudes Yearbook is a collection of pics of chatters from Gaydudes.

Awarded--on--11 / 01 / 98

Info / pics etc. of: Star trek, The X-files, and lots of Webtv only stuff...

Awarded--on--10 / 13 / 98

My site has links,sounds,music and more.

Awarded--on--09 / 22 / 98

This is my personal webpage on the Gay Chub sub-culture of the Gay community. Fat people in general are the brunts of jokes and is the "last" typical predjudiced group of individuals. In the Gay community we have united to lend support to one another and alow ourselves to be treated with respect and also a fully sexual beings. My website tries to show myself as a positive role model in this enviorment.

Awarded--on--09 / 15 / 98

Penpals for gay teens 13-19, galleries,jokes,coming out story, alot of resourceful links, chat/forums and more to come.

Awarded--on--09 / 05 / 98

. Tom Keske is a self-made gay rights activist, who has accomplished numerous brave deeds on behalf of lesbian and gay civil rights. This includes a two-week hunger strike, as well as other acts of civil disobedience.

Awarded--on--08 / 15 / 98

A Canadian lesbian's site filled with persnal anecdotes and stories etc.

Awarded--on--07 / 13 / 98

A gay man from southern California, with a memorial to friends we've lost to AIDS, a list of AIDS resources, a story of a hate crime and a list of Anti-Violence Projects. Oh yeah, you'll also learn quite a bit about me, my family and my friends.

Awarded--on--07 / 11 / 98

Personal Homepage about boyz, obsessions, Madonna, Movies, Music and me.

Awarded--on--07 / 05 / 98

Garyj's Home Page
Personal home page about myself, lover and family

Awarded=--on--02 / 08 / 99

HarleyCrzy's Home Page
Designed, not only as a fun place to also is a Gay Women's Resource site for encouragement toward education, career info.,self-help, Lesiban issues of spirituality and acceptance of oneself; in light of much descrimination from the harsh opinions of some in "the church." My Psychology page encourages women to "go deep inside" and grow emotionally. This page also has links to various personality, IQ, and career interest tests. You can also download a fun test to find out if you are more right brained or left brained in your thinking. I have also included a page about my family with pics. There is a page on motorcycles with lots of links for women riders, along with pics of my partner and I on our bikes. Overall my site is a resource site for Gay women.

Awarded--on--10 / 03 / 98

Personal website with lots of personal info, some pics (working on it), cool links, samples of my writings and soon to have lots of more

Awarded--On--03 / 25 / 99

ICQ Lesbians OnLine
The only webring site for lesbians who are registered members of ICQ.

Awared--On--11 / 07 / 98

We organize spectacular, unique events for the lesbian community across the USA and Canada. All of our events are created to provide affordability, safety, and lots of fun while promoting sisterhood and networking at its finest. Our annual Memorial Day Weekend is not one you'll want to miss.

Awarded--on--08 / 30 / 98

This site is about our (Brenda and Jodi's) Holy Union Ceremony.

Awarded--on--08 /11 / 98

Female Impersonation Show. Gay links, chat room, and other gay related sites. Personal Webpage.

Awarded--on--09 / 18 / 98

Lesbian site poetry and short stories anlso deals with issues such as abuse and womens health

To check out my whole site click on my home page button below ;