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Q LINKS: Queer Banner Exchange

Q LINKS: Queer Banner Exchange


Hi and Welcome to the Pride Pals Webring
If you are already a member and need to edit your site information or get your customized html code for your webpage.. Then click on the edit / html button.Your customized html code is at the bottom of your site edit page.You will need your site ID # and your password to access this information!!!

Click Here To Edit Your Site Informaton

LE FastCounter

logoMember of the 
GayWeb Free Banner 
Member of the 
GayWeb Free Banner 

THE TOP 1000!

Click on the graphic to vote for this
page as a Starting Point Hot Site.


This ring was formed on June 1998! By the webmaster of Pride Pals website Sonny
The reason I started this ring is to unite the Gay,Lesbian,bisexual,Transgendered,dragqueen, Gay friendly community together!! Because United We Stand Devided We Shall Surely Fall !! This is an equal oppretunity ring I don't discriminate..However there will be no sites that contain the following;
"Hate,bigatry,racisem,or gay bashing of any kind,Adult sites that contain nudity and pornographic themes!!!!"
"!!You don't have to be gay to be a Pride Pal just gay friendly!!"
This is a people friendly webring for all ages.
I reserve the right to review any site submitted to the queue and if I feel it is unsuitable for the Pride Pals Webring I have the right to take it out of the queue / ring!!!!!

Keep showing your Pride by signing my Pride Pages  












The Pride Pals Webring is for you if you are proud of who you are as a person or you are proud of being a part of the Pride community.It is a community built on Pride. People with Dignity,Self Worth,An Open Mind,A Sence Of Pride,For People Who Want To Get To Know Others From around the world to make 1 giant comunity.
If it sounds like I'm talking about you then you are a PRIDE PAL and this webring is for you!!!!!

To join the Pride Pals Webring there are 3 basic steps you must do. First you must submit your site to the ring.Second you will get an email with your site ID and your password and a generic html code for your webpage. But you can get a customized one on your "site edit / html" code page you will need your site ID and password to access this information. "Also the Pride Pals Webring must be placed on the first page of your website / webpage or on your webring page somewhere on your listed site" to see where I place my html code on my webpage click on the example button below;


The third thing you must do after you have inserted the html code on your webpage and the webring is displayed on your page..

{!!!!Note you have only 30 days to get the html code & the Graphics on your site before you are automaticly removed from the Queue!!!!}

Then you must email the Ringmaster Sonny With your site ID# & Your Website Address..So that you can be added to the Pride Pals Webring

So are you ready to join?? Are you a Pride Pal?? Then click on the "submit site" button below and show the whole world that you are a "PRIDE PAL" When submitting your site it might take a couple of tries if the webring is busy so please be patient!! Thanks and enjoy!!!
This is a people friendly webring for all ages.
I reserve the right to review any site submitted to the queue and if I feel it is unsuitable for the Pride Pals Webring I have the right to take it out of the queue / ring at my discression!!!!!

Submit A Site To Pride Pals Webring

Site Owner's Name:

Site Title:

Site URL:



Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.

Description: Enter a short description of your site.

If you are having troubles with the above form then click on the button below ;

Secondary Submit Form

Hey are you a Pride Pal?? Then Show It Off to the whole world and be the first one on your block to get the newest Pride Pals Gear!!!!
Click on the button below to visit the Pride Pals Online Store......


If You Want To See Some Of The Pride Pals People That Are In The Pride Pals Webring.... I have a Galley set up of photo's Of The Pride Pals.. Just Click On The Button Below.. If You Are In The Pride Pals Webring And Would Lke To Have Your Photo and Link On this New Photo Gallery Page Please Feel free to send me Your Site ID# , Your Site URL , Your Photo URL ( Ican't Use Any Photo's That Are Sent to Me as inline attachments Photo's Must be in gif or jpg format ) Have Fun And ENJOY!!...
Pride Pals Photo's

Do you know someone that you think would make a great Pride Pal.Why not send the Pride Pals Webring to them.Fill out the mini form below then Click on the button below to send them the Pride Pals Webring ;

Suggest the Pride Pals Webring to a friend!

Powered by SuggestSite

Here's the graphics to for you to download and upload to your server,If you have webtv or a Problem getting these graphics please email Sonny for help. Please note you can arange the ring to match the look of your site but don't change any of the URLs if you wish to shrink the graphics file size down to get a quicker load time that's ok as well,Have Fun and Enjoy!!!!

<----WIDTH="75" HEIGHT="75"

WIDTH="75" HEIGHT="50"---->

Here's a sample of what your code looks like.You Can Edit it here and Copy it then paste it in your website. (Note This is a Generic HTML Fragment.. Don't forget to add your site ID# and your email address and your name to this code before pasting it in your website...) To view the ring Control panel scroll down!!!

Here's what the Pride Pals Webring should look like!!

This Pride Pals Webring
Site Is Owned By Sonny

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