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pride pals


logoMember of the 
GayWeb Free Banner Network
Member of the 
GayWeb Free Banner Network

P = "people"

R = "revealing"

I = "individual"

D = "diversity"

E = "eturnally"


P = "people"

A = "always"

L = "loving"

S = "someone"

The "Pride Pals" website was formed to promote unity in the community. The symbol for "Pride Pals" is and will always be the pride flag. A good friend the lovely "Carmen Phillips" of the "Lambda Express" once told me "JUST AS THE COLORS IN THE RAINBOW JOIN TOGETHER TO MAKE ONE BEAUTIFUL FLAG,THEN WE MUST JOIN TOGETHER TO MAKE ONE BEAUTIFUL COMMUNITY"......

Judy Garlands "Over the Rainbow" is the signature song for Pride Pals. When you jump into the internet. Your jumpping over a virtual rainbow. Where everyone lives in a colorful vertual world.

So I decided to create a website. To let everyone know that no matter how much hate and corruption there is in the world today. We must stand together and be proud of who and what we are. Pride Pals was set up for your enjoyment and pleasure. With the hopes that when you leave my site you'll leave with a smile and maybe a chuckel or two..Please take a moment to sign my "Pride Pages". As I'm always tring to improve on everything I do.

I have a lot of interesting things comming down the line in the near future so check back daily for new additions. So until then may all your rainbows be bright!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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