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Amazingly this page would take only very little time to download, which contains all the paintings in my Gallery as Thumbnails.The size of all the paintings is only 591KB. Isn't it something??

Click the respective image if you would like to view the painting in large size.

A Life - Pencil sketching  (18.4Kb only) Diana - Pencil sketching (29.5 Kb only) Prime minister of Fiji - Pencil sketching (23.3 Kb only) Handsome - Pencil Sketching (21.7 Kb only) Sri Satya Sai Baba - Pencil Sketching (33 Kb only)
Shilpa Kutty! - Charcoal (18.3 Kb only) Somalia - Pencil sketching (11.2 Kb only) Passion - Charcoal (18.4 Kb only) Vocal Artist - Pencil sketching (7.04 Kb only) Cute little Shashank - Charcoal (8.30 Kb only)
Moods  - Water colour (19.1 Kb only) Dirty Dancing - Modern Art (16 Kb only) Golden Fish - Water colour ( 6 Kb only) Lord Ganesh - Indian Ink & Water colour (41 Kb only) Childhood - Water colour (17 Kb only)
Butter cup - Water colour pencil (19 Kb only) Tower - Oil Paint (9 Kb only) Twilight - Water colour (27 Kb only) Wee are blind with vision - Water colour (18 Kb only) Shilpa - Pencil Sketching (9 Kb only)
Sleeping beauty - Charcoal (4 Kb only) Other side of Raja - Water colour (19 Kb only) Musical fountain - Photgraphy (8 Kb only) Fascinating Sentoza - Photography (13 Kb only) Shashank - Photography (26 Kb only)
Landscape - Water colour (9 Kb only) Denizens of the deep - Water colour (10 Kb only) Lord Krishna - Water colour (20 Kb only) Fort - Computer graphics (51 Kb only) Art by Shilpa! Don't miss to see this

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