The Source
Why do you weep?
The source is within you,
And this whole world is springing up from it.
The source is full,
And its waters are ever-flowing.
Do not grieve, drink your fill.
From the moment you came into this world,
A ladder was placed in front of you,
That you might transcend it.
From earth, you became plant,
From plant you became animal,
Afterwards you became a human being,
Endowed with knowledge, intellect and faith.
Behold the body, born of dust, how perfect it has become.
Why should you fear its end?
When were you ever made less by dying?
When you pass beyond this human form,
No doubt you will become an angel and soar through the heavens,
But don't stop there, even heavenly bodies grow old.
Pass again from the heavenly realm and
Plunge, plunge into the vast ocean of consciousness,
Let the drop of water that is you become a hundred mighty seas.
But do not think that the drop alone becomes the ocean.
The ocean, too, becomes the drop.
Knowing this, let us drop our bodies now into the fire of the end of the
world and let what we cling to die now in the fire of the end of the world.
Let our false illusions and hopes die now, with the last trees.
Let us live now, in the fire and love of God, all the while being signs,
fountains, mirrors, nurses, dancers, activists, psychotherapists, and above
all, what the Sufis call the children of spring.
By Mother Teresa
Background by
In His Image