Orthodox Choirs on the Web

If you have never heard really good Orthodox Choirs before, here are some links. The pages list many different chants. Some are monastery choirs (all male) some are mixed choirs. These are all Russian. The Russian chant is more euphonious to the "Western" ear than Byzantine or Greek.

You will find on the last link, 6 groupings of music. The last one is Russian bell tones. Unless you are really "into" bells, you might want to skip that group!

The choir of St. John the Forerunner Church is a mixed choir.

Alexandre Govorov's choir is all male.

Afanasiev's choir is also known as the Male Choir of St. Petersburg. Excellent group! Internationally known.

The choir of the Saviour-Transfiguration Cathedral is a mixed choir.

The Vocal Ensemble "Русский лад" is an all male ensemble.

If you have questions, please contact:

Elizabeth Riggs


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  Added 11/07

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