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Yahoo Austrailia online chat

Yahoo Austrailia! Chat June 14, 2001

Host: Please welcome star of the new sci-fi movie Evolution... David Duchovny

chewingzafat: Have you always been into sci-fi?
David: I've actually never been interested in sci-fi. The X-files was a job I auditioned for because I liked the script, and I liked the character of Mulder. At that time, it was a lot different to the kind of roles I’d done, which were more sexual. And I found this character to be edgier and more asexual. The same happened with Evolution. I took the role because I wanted to do a comedy.

lotsachat2000: Are you enjoying promoting the film?
David: It's difficult. I had 2 weeks in America, and now a couple of days in Japan, a couple of days in Australia, London, Berlin, Paris. It's difficult. It would be a great opportunity if I had time to travel and enjoy these places, but my priority is to do this as quickly as possible so I can get back to my wife and daughter.

chewingzafat: What was it like wearing the containment suit in Evolution?
David: It chaffed a bit (laugh) Hot, stuffy, chaffy ... but slightly sexy.

chewingzafat: Are you going to be in more comedy films?
David: I hope so. I enjoyed this, and I just try to do as many different things as interest me. I love a good comedy, and it's a real challenge to make some. And there are some funny directors I'd like to work with, and hopefully they'd like to work with me. I feel like I'm discovering my own comic voice in a way.

babbbyface: What's your next project?
David: Last year I did 12 episodes of the X-Files, and Evolution which I just finished a few weeks ago, so I haven't had much time. Plus the threat of a strike has put things on hold until June 30, so I don't have anything lined up. But I've blocked up a certain amount of my time to write.

sassy_chicau_2001: what was it like making the film was it FUN?
David: Yes, it was fun. The illusion that you want to create in a comedy is that you want to make it look like it was fun to make, and we certainly had fun as actors. But the real truth is that making a comedy makes you worry about whether what you're doing is funny. For instance, if the crew is laughing are they laughing because they know you, or are they laughing because what you're doing is funny? Things like that.

roussepetite19: I've heard you and other cast members refer to scenes in interviews that didn't make the final cut in the movie (ie, Ira's girlfriend breaking up with him) -- are there any you particularly wish hadn't ended up on the cutting room floor?
David: Probably that one most of all, because I felt that it was the introduction to the character and established his lack of interest in anything...the fact that he was aimless, rock bottom. It established his character… But in movies speed matters, and that speed made that scene a casualty.

cybamuse: Has David been happy with the American reception to Evolution?
David: I'm not sure what that means. It's my estimation that a movie like this doesn't get reviewed well because it's a crowd pleaser, and they generally don't get reviewed well. But in terms of box office it's doing well. I think it's a movie that will hang around for awhile, because it has good word of mouth movie.

morgana917: What were the most difficult and most enjoyable aspects of making 'Evolution'?
David: The difficulty is that it's a big special effects movie, so to make everything perfect is a painstaking process. And for actors that can be a tedious process. The more enjoyable aspect was getting to work with actors like Orlando, Julianne and Seann. It was fun to play with people who were so different.

sassy_chicau_2001: what did you think of it when you watched the final product?
David: I was really happy. As I said before...when you're doing a comedy, you just never know. Firstly whether what you are doing is funny, and secondly whether it will be cut together funny. With a sci-fi comedy, you really need the believability and the comedy; and those two things can undercut each other...The balance is really important, and I didn't know how those 2 things would work. The defining moment for me is when I sit in a screening room for the first time with an audience that is neutral. This movie wasn't really my usual style but sitting with the audience I could see it was working, so I was really happy to be involved in it.

secret8979: What was it about the role that interested you?
David: It wasn't really the role, it was the tone of the movie. It was the chance to try my hand at Ivan Reitman's brand of Animal House, Ghostbusters which was a precuroser for this movie. I knew that the role would grow. The role as it was written I knew I could handle, but the way I played it was in the style of an Ivan Reitman film.

morgana917: Are you sick of being asked questions about the X-Files?
David: No. It's only been a month that I haven't done the show. I appreciate that people are interested in the show, and it's not like it's been 10 years since I was on it. People want to know why I left.

mulderimyours: Was it emotional filming your last scene on TXF?
David: Yeah - it was ending an 8 year relationship basically, that's the best way to put it…and that's emotional.

essendon5au: Are you going to be going another X-files movie in the Future?
David: I don't know. I imagine that because the first one was a success, that they'll make another at some point. I'd prefer it if they did that when the show was over. I'd love a few years off then come back to make the movie. It would be a kind of reunion.

ltkper321: What is your fondest memory of working on the XF and developing and molding such a wonderful character as Mulder?
David: Probably the first couple of years. Just working my ass off, and trying to make something as great as it could be. Working with Chris Carter, Glen Morgan, James Wong, Kim Manners…constantly talking to these people and being consumed in making this a great show...the passion, the focus, the excitement. I hope for that in every project from now on, but you can't maintain the naivete and passion that you have at the beginning...All of us coming together and doing our best work is my best memory.

ozeeyore: What's the best role you've ever played ? ..erm.. on screen that is (we were told to keep the questions clean )
David: I don't know. They're kind of like children in a way; you don't want to play favorites. Some are more successful than others, no doubt. But the best? I couldn't say.

blinkbunni: Would you ever consider working on a film with Gillan, but not as Mulder & Scully, as two new characters?
David: Sure. If I liked the script.

hennyfur: Fans: flattering, annoying, or downright scary?
David: Yes!

My question!guitar325v: Do you still take your dog Blue onto the movie sets with you? (give her a hug for me)
David: I wish she was with me here in Sydney :) But she's home with her boyfriend George. Blue came with me every day when I worked on the X Files in Vancouver because my stand in, a guy named Yaap, was in love with Blue. But when we moved the show to LA, the studio wasn't as friendly to dogs. My wife also has George, her dog, so they paired up. I do take her occasionally, but not like in the old days where we'd go to work every day together like a team.

rhoannan: Is there a role you've always want to do?
David: No, no I think that you always think of Shakespeare roles, and the great thing about Shakespeare is there are roles for every age, so as I grow older I look forward to those roles.
sassy_chicau_2001: who was or is your role model

David: I've never had a role model. I've had people that influenced me. I wouldn't say I wanted to be them, but they had influence over me...hopefully good, but I wasn't a hero worshipper. I loved certain athletes, but I recognised that they were them and I was me.

becky_sculder: Mr. Duchovny, What do you prefer the must: write, direct or act?
David: Yes :)

hot_red_house_blues: Hey david do you like australians?
David: What kind of a question is that? So far so good, but I've only been here 8 hours so yeah, I like them. I had an Australian relative!

alexxos250: David, why is the second name of your daughter "West"?
David: It's a family name of my wife's.

morgana917: What was your daughter's first word?
David: More. Which meant "again ... keep doing it", rather than "more food"

mulderpause: David, you said during your Japan press conference that Tea hadn't seen Evolution as of Monday. Has she seen it yet and what did she think?
David: She saw it Tuesday, and she thought I was great . She gave me a lengthy critique, and I was very happy to have pleased her. And she thought my ass looked good!

sassy_chicau_2001: When did you know you were a star?
David: When did I know that I was a star? Probably when I went home back to New York. It's where I grew up, and was perfectly anonymous. The fact that people recognised me in other cities didn't really mean much, but to get recognised in New York is weird. To walk around with my mother and have people screaming at me "Hey David" and "I loved Evolution.“ My mother would say to me "Who's that?" and I'd say "Mom I'm on TV", but she always asks when she hears someone call out to me.

David: Thanks everyone - hope you all enjoy Evolution as much as I enjoyed making it and I look forward to talking with you in the future.

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