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Canal Online Chat, October 2000

Question: Can you tell us something about your new movie, Evolution?
David Duchovny: Evolution, well, it's official now; I signed with Dreamworks. It's a comedy about aliens, but you probably already know.
Q: Are you a fan of Star Wars? Did George Lucas contact you? What kind of character would you like to play?
DD: 3 times yes! I am a fan, and he did contact me...
Q: Why quit the X-Files?
DD: Am I everyone's clown? ;-) Why? Like I already said... after doing the same for a long time, I think it's time for me to turn the page and move on to other things...
Q: When will evolution begin filming?
DD: Evolution will begin shooting in a couple of weeks, before the end of the year, after Julianne Moore is finished with shooting Hannibal.
Q: Will you be in X-Files movies once the series finishes?
DD: I think sometimes you have to leave a character and move on; X-File is stuck to my skin, and I think if I return for another movie, I'll definitely be classified as not able to portray another character while I believe I am well able to do many other roles in other films... ;-)
Q: Do you plan to direct?
DD: I don't have the abilities to professionally direct; it's a job terribly more complex than the job of an actor ;-)
Q: Which season do you like the most?
DD: What a difficult question! Probably the last one...
Q: What do you think of your fans and what do you think they think of you now?
DD: I am always glad when I have the opportunity to meet and communicate with fans...
Q: Do you get along well with Gillian Anderson?
DD: Yes!! Isn't that visible?? ;-)
Q: Do you have something to say to your fans?
DD: If fan sites (on the net) are good and give correct information and are respectful of my family life, I'm fairly happy to see them online.
Q: Do you enjoy surfing the net?
DD: Like everybody, I do have a computer, but I don't have much time to surf...
Q: Are you planning on writing an episode this year?
DD: Like I already said, I'll begin shooting the movie Evolution with Dreamworks Productions soon, Ivan Reitman will direct, and I think I'll be pretty much involved into that; only after I might have time to thing of writing...
Q: Having studied English literature, is there any book or author you'd recommend?
DD: Yes, it's true that I studied English Literature at the university of Yale and achieved a certain level... I like American authors... as well as British ones... (I'm influenced by my mother); Somerset Maugham for example.
Q: What kind of music do you listen to?
DD: I have a thing for rock and the Seventies sometimes I also listen to techno and rap and also Jazz by Lion Hampton ;-) Varies a lot, huh?
Q: Do you still write poetry?
DD: Oh! Somebody knows me well there! Who posted that question? A fan...? Seriously, I still do a bit here and there, but I don't have enough time...
Q: What was the last film you saw at the movies?
DD: Last Friday, I was at the movies and saw the latest Cameron Crowe movie, Almost Famous which has just been released here; it's a story about rock in the early 70's-- go see it when it's out, it's great!
Q: What do you do in your spare time?
DD: Back when I was on the X-Files set in Canada, I didn't have much time for myself. Now, when I'm at home, in Malibu, with my family here too, I enjoy being with my wife and my little daughter, and I also enjoy sports; basketball...
Q: Which TV series do you like the most?
DD: To be honest, I don't watch too much TV, but I'm well-informed about the happenings on the big series that everyone knows, like Beverly Hills 90210, ER etc. I consider myself well-informed about my buddies in the business...
Q: What is your opinion on John Dogett?
DD: Do you think I'm gonna say something bad...? ;-) No, I think it's always good to have new faces...
Q: Who is your favorite actress?
DD: My wife!
Q: you know that you are really sexy?
DD: Et kiki aussi, c'est tres sexy!!! ;-)
Q: What kind of movies do you like?
DD: I played in serious movies like Chaplin and Ruby or Kalifornia; on the big screen I've done a little something in all genres... I think I have a preference for thrillers though...
Q: Are you like Mulder in real life?
DD: That question should be asked to my friends or my relatives... they describe me as nice, likeable. People never say a bad thing about me... at least not in public!
Q: Do you like foreign movies?
DD: Yes, but it's a pity that French or English or Italian movies are barely ever shown here; Begnini at the Oscar's, a2 years ago, that was a real pleasure...
Q: Do you want to make a movie with your wife?
DD: Why not; ask her...! ;-)
Q: Who is your favorite director?
DD: I accepted my latest role in Evolution because it's Ivan Reitman who will direct the movie; I think it's a fundamental thing to have an excellent director to make an excellent movie!
Q: What do you think of the business around movies and series?
DD: I think that marketing today is an integrated part of moviemaking; the fans can purchase merchandise, photos, series related items; why not, when it gives you the chance to revive beautiful moments...?
Q: What do you think of this chat?
DD: I think it's the better way to speak in public, without questions that are asked by journalists (they don't always ask good ones!!! ;-)
Q: Speaking of Evolution, aren't you afraid that, with another movie about aliens, you'll be stuck in this genre forever?
DD: In Evolution, I will portray a professor who is in charge of protecting the world from none-too friendly invaders... I think that's a transition that will provide me with the chance to move on to other roles different from X-Files...
Q: Which is your biggest personal lack? Your greatest quality?
DD: No lacks! Only qualities! Ask my wife... (laughs)
Q: Do you believe in UFO's?
DD: Who knows? Do we have the right to presume we're alone in the universe?
Q: When did you start acting?
DD: I don't talk about my beginnings in x-rated movies; (luckily) everybody has forgotten about them... I really did a turn there...
Q: What do u like in acting?
DD: Complex question! For instance, to give pleasure to the spectators; then, also, to make myself happy by playing roles I enjoy...
Q: Apart from acting, what is a profession you'd be interested in, a way you might want to go?
DD: I think that I'd take care of others, in one way or the other; I spent some time working for benefit organizations, but actually I just did that for me, because it does me good to do good to others...
Q: Do you have a favorite X-Files episode? What episode was the funniest for you?
DD: No, I think you shouldn't try to make out what you found best or worst; when I act in the series, I do that because I really like it. When there is a problem with scenes that I don't like, I discuss it with the author, and together we edit the parts that don't work out...
Q: Who is the father of Scully's child?
DD: If you watched the series attentively... it's not me! ;-) (laughs)
Q: Do you like Chris Carter?
DD: Yes, I think he has an immense talent; what would we have done without him...?
Q: Are you going to miss Gillian Anderson and the rest of the X-Files crew when the series is over?
DD: I'm sure I'm gonna miss them...
Q: With whom do you get along best on the X-Files set?
DD: Gillian most likely; we spend a lot of time together...
Q: Will you encourage your daughter to become an actress one day? What do you think of children who are in that business at a young age? Would you like to be in a movie with your daughter sometime when she is older?
DD: Madelaine was born only in April 1999; she still has a lot of time to decide. But maybe, one day, if she wants it too, we could be in a movie together (smiles, touched).
Q: What are your dreams for your future?
D: To take a few days of vacation with my little family, right after shooting Evolution...
Q: What is the one thing you'd change about yourself if you had the chance?
DD: Strange question..
Q: Thank you very much, Mr. Duchovny, a last word?
DD: Oh, it's already over? Well, two more questions, I'll stay with you a little longer.
Q: Are you planning to write a novel or something?
DD: Maybe if I found the time?
Q: Do you foresee writing for the big screen?
DD: I'm always working on projects, but at the moment there's nothing concrete...
Q: Can you see yourself going to France?
DD: Who knows...? Maybe on my next vacation, but at the moment, unfortunately not!
Q: When will you do a direct chat like this one again?
DD: I do them every now and then, but to do that, I need to have something to say or it wouldn't be very interesting for you! ;-) There will surely be another when Evolution is being released, promise! See you soon and a big Thank You. I'm glad to be able to talk to my fans like this... THANK YOU

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