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The Phyllis Hyman Photo Collection
The Phyllis Hyman Photo Collection
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Thanks for visiting the 'Phyllis Hyman::Sophisticated Lady' website! Enjoy our growing collection of photos taken during every phase of Lady Hyman's career! Special Thanks To Walid Itayim, Vincent Wolfe & Other Members of Our MSN Group Who Made This Photo Album Possible! Feel free to leave comments for any of the pictures.

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Comments (2) | Add a Comment

Phyllis,you are truly a queen,I love you so much and play your music daily,so far I have collected over a dozen of your CD'S.When listening to your music and looking at your beautiful face,I often shed a tear in disbelief knowing you are just a memory and you will live in my heart forever,someday I will look forward meeting you where ever you are.'No one could love you more',I love you baby.
Ted Edghill | | January 28, 2007

I still remember the day that I heard the tragic news, that Ms. Hyman was no longer with us. All I could do was stare aimlessly into space as tears streamed down my face.It was as if I knew her personally. And it still hurts mainly when I listen to 'Meet Me On The Moon'.
Yes we lost an angel but she left us a legacy.
chris custis | | March 28, 2008