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The Phyllis Hyman Photo Collection
The Phyllis Hyman Photo Collection
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Thanks for visiting the 'Phyllis Hyman::Sophisticated Lady' website! Enjoy our growing collection of photos taken during every phase of Lady Hyman's career! Special Thanks To Walid Itayim, Vincent Wolfe & Other Members of Our MSN Group Who Made This Photo Album Possible! Feel free to leave comments for any of the pictures.

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Comments (5) | Add a Comment

I noticed as I scrolled through the many pictures of this most precious woman, her eyes always seemed so sad and on the verge of tears, even when she was smiling. What tortue she must have gone through, just because she couldn't see what was so obvious to everyone else, her total beauty! May she rest in peace, finally away from the demons that were chasing her night and day!
frankie fay | | April 29, 2006

I agree with Frankee. In every picture I look at I can always see a sadness in her eyes. The one thing about Pyllis is that her eyes always give her away. You can see the pain in this particular picture. I am told the same thing about myself, my eyes always give me away.
Anonymous | | February 22, 2007

She was a beautiful lady inside and out. Stay encouraged everyone. There is ONE that loves us just as we are. There is faith enough for us all. Thanks for the music PH. One love.
d | February 28, 2007

I remember those warm summer nights riding in my car and hearing her voice on the radio. Man this woman could sing. I had several of her albums -I think I just dated myself but who cares- and I loved listening to her sing. "Somewhere in my life time" was my favorite cut.

I hope she knew that millions loved her and loved hearing her voice. What a lost, what a lost. Phyllis, RIP baby and my God send us another you.
Marcus Robinson | | May 08, 2007

I just found outthe nature of ur passing last night as i was watching Lady sing the blues my wife told me that we lost another beautiful singer when she said your name i could have died myself then when i went online and read your story i will never understand death but i except it i do understand suicide but i will never except it so to you Mrs. Hyman i apologize for as a fan i felled to see the pain in your heart and the tiredness of your soul and a sa Pastor I will try to help people and listen to the pain in their hearts while ministring their souls Rest In Peace Lady you will always be remembered
Pastor Patrick McNair | | December 19, 2007