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The South Georgia Pride Page is for any "family" members in the southwest or even southeast corner of this huge state. Some of us are here because it's home--others, well who the hell knows. One thing is for certain and that is we have no voice, we have no spirit, and we have no fellowship or support network to defend against the hatred, violence, or religious right-wing moralistic attitude that we all endure everyday.

This page is just the beginning of something that could take our group in to a more prominent position--namely, one body that says to south Georgia, "We're here...we're..", Okay you get the picture. We must emphasize that not only are we here but that we are here in great numbers and we are not to be under estimated. Don't misunderstand this statement as a call to arms, or to intentionally "out" anyone. We all know that the word "out" isn't in the southwest GLB dictionary. Trust me, there are other ways to skin this cat! If there wasn't, you wouldn't see signs practically inviting "homosexuals" into a local Albany church!

We are the service workers, the operators, the administrative assistants, CAD operators, business owners, nurses, doctors, lawyers, managers, technicians, drivers, teachers, cashiers, mechanics, etc., etc. The list goes on and on. South Georgia needs a wake-up call! We're not in back rooms and bath houses anymore--we're out in the open and we walk amoung the crowds in the same gait everyone else does.

However, reality dictates that we don't walk around with K.D. Lang or Liberace on the front of our T-shirts. So--we must fight back as a group and use our force as a whole instead of having to go the distance alone. E-mail me to join our group and let's send a message of unity and number!

Points To Ponder

Places of interest

Wanna send a great dykey postcard to ya girly friend?? Check these cards OUT!.
Do you get Girlfriends magazine?? You should! If not, go here!.
If you are interested religious ideas.
More interesting viewpoints.
Yahoo's link to Planet Out's News Channel -- keep on top of GLB current events.
Planet Out!


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